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如何尝鲜DeepSeek R1
送交者: nohup[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2025-01-22 15:48 已读 224 次  


回答: 硅谷AI霸权和神话的破灭开端:浅谈DeepSeek R1的意义 由 nohup 于 2025-01-22 15:19

访问 https://chat.deepseek.com/ 6park.com

按一下对话框内的“Deep Think”按钮 6park.com

输入你的问题。例如输入下列在AMC数学竞赛中的问题: 6park.com

A model used to estimate the time it will take to hike to the top of the mountain on a trail is of the form $T=aL+bG,$ where $a$ and $b$ are constants, $T$ is the time in minutes, $L$ is the length of the trail in miles, and $G$ is the altitude gain in feet. The model estimates that it will take $69$ minutes to hike to the top if a trail is $1.5$ miles long and ascends $800$ feet, as well as if a trail is $1.2$ miles long and ascends $1100$ feet. How many minutes does the model estimates it will take to hike to the top if the trail is $4.2$ miles long and ascends $4000$ feet? 6park.com

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