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参议员埃德・马基提出法案,推迟 TikTok 禁令期限
送交者: salonyudi[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2025-01-15 11:48 已读 1456 次  


参议员埃德·马基提出法案,推迟 TikTok 禁令期限 6park.com

参议员埃德·马基正在努力阻止美国可能对 TikTok 实施禁令。

周一,这位马萨诸塞州民主党人提出了《延长 TikTok 禁令期限法案》,旨在防止该平台被关闭,因为这可能会扰乱 1.7 亿美国用户的生活。 6park.com

马基警告说,“风险很高”,因为突然的禁令将颠覆“独一无二的信息和文化生态系统”。他提议将期限延长 270 天。 6park.com

“让我明确一点:TikTok 存在问题,”参议员在讲话中表示。“与每个社交媒体平台一样,TikTok 对我们年轻人的隐私和心理健康构成了严重威胁。我将继续追究 TikTok 的此类行为的责任。但 TikTok 禁令将对数百万依赖该应用进行社交联系和经济生计的美国人造成严重后果。我们不能允许这种情况发生。” 6park.com

该法案出台之际,TikTok 面临 1 月 19 日出售其美国业务的最后期限,否则将面临被禁的风险,这可能会产生深远的经济后果,影响广泛的美国人和各个行业。


Senator Ed Markey Introduces Bill To Delay TikTok Ban Deadline
Jack Kelly
Senior Contributor
Jack Kelly covers career growth, job market and workplace trends. 6park.com

Senator Ed Markey is fighting to stop a potential TikTok ban in the United States. 6park.com

On Monday, the Massachusetts Democrat introduced the Extend the TikTok Deadline Act, aiming to prevent the platform’s shutdown, which could disrupt the lives of 170 million American users. 6park.com

Markey warns that the “stakes are high,” as a sudden ban would upend a "one-of-a-kind informational and cultural ecosystem.” He has proposed extending the deadline by 270 days. 6park.com

“Let me be clear: TikTok has its problems,” the senator stated in his remarks. “Like every social media platform, TikTok poses a serious risk to the privacy and mental health of our young people. I will continue to hold TikTok accountable for such behavior. But a TikTok ban would impose serious consequences on millions of Americans who depend on the app for social connections and their economic livelihood. We cannot allow that to happen.” 6park.com

The proposed bill comes as TikTok faces a January 19 deadline to sell its U.S. operations or risk being banned, which could have far-reaching economic consequences, affecting a wide range of Americans and industries.
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