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Starship was lost, now
送交者: archlute_BU[★品衔R6★] 于 2024-03-14 10:59 已读 208 次  


回答: 成功发射送入轨道,然后丢了。这是最新消息。 由 archlute_BU 于 2024-03-14 10:53

SpaceX lost two key pieces of communication at the same time: Contact with Starlink, SpaceX's internet service, and with TDRSS — or Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System. 6park.com

Losing both simultaneously hints that Starship may have broken apart. 6park.com

SpaceX's Dan Huot just made the call: "We are making the call now that we have lost (the) ship," he said. "No splashdown today, but again just it's incredible to see how much further we got this time around."
SpaceX lost both Starship and the Super Heavy booster much earlier during the past two flight tests. 6park.com

SpaceX routinely frames failures during these early test flights as normal. The goal of these flight tests is to gather crucial data so that engineers can go back and tinker with Starship, improving it for future missions.
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