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二氧化碳全球暖化是骗局,最先说这话的是美国交通部首席科学家辛格(Fred Singer),辛格是普林斯顿大学物理博士。是货真价实的大气物理学家。美国国家气象局的卫星服务中心就是他建立的。也是美国环保署(EPA)的部长助理,对二氧化碳全球暖化论他有个报告Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate.这篇报告网上查得到:
文中说明,全球暖化是太阳地球的相互作用造成的,人类排的那点二氧化碳根本影响不了气候。 6park.com由温室气体浓度升高造成的全球变暖如今已经被欧洲忽悠成为一个可能严重威胁人类生产,改变人类文明进程的问题。减排(mitigation),即减少温室气体的排放以减缓或逆转气温升高被忽悠成解决问题的首选。可是由于目前世界上的主要能源还是含碳燃料,燃烧时主要排放是二氧化碳,限制二氧化碳排放就是限制能源的使用。按照美国的评估,二氧化碳减排会导致美国每年3390亿美元的经济损失。美国是一个能源使用量已经到顶的国家,限制二氧化碳排放尚且伤害的经济。中国的能源使用量在实现工业化后至少还会增加一倍,现在中国工业化未完成,限制中国二氧化碳排放会对中国经济和工业化造成什么影响,大家可以算算账。
在明末小冰川期,太阳辐射下降,形成蒙德尔低辐射期,在那个期间内,太阳辐射减少了0.5%,结果地球温度下降了1.2度。IPCC预测到本世纪末,全球温度会升2度,那么需要把阳光减少1%才能达到要求。 6park.com
大气分几层,最接近地表的叫对流层,约在十公里以下,十公里到五十多公里是平流层,那里空气水平流动,当灰尘被吹到平流层时,可以在那里停留几年。 6park.com1991年MountPinatubo火山喷发。在喷发期间,Mount
Dai 和Marie-Anna Boggio-Pasqua
进行了一项实验,以测试太阳地球工程的平流层非均质化学。这个过程可能会涉及用飞机把反光微粒送到天空,这些粒子能将部分阳光反射回太空,继而为地球降温。他们估计,给地球降温的成本每年不到100亿美元。可是由于二氧化碳全球暖化论者的目的只是限制二氧化碳排放,以此压制发展中国家的能源使用从而达到压制发展中国家工业化的目的,所以哈佛大学的实验最终因为经费被卡搞不下去。 6park.com在哈佛大学的方案中,主要成本来源于把反光微粒送上两万米的高空,为进一不节约成本,需要尽量减少往高空运的微粒重量。老王在这里提出一个成本更低的方法,就是制造直径2微米的无水氯化钙微粒,把这些微粒用飞机均匀撒入平流层,在空气中会发生如下反应:
CaCl2 + 6H2O = CaCl2.6H2O
1. 价格大概200美元/吨,制成2微米后,价格大概1000美元/吨。200万吨成本 20亿美元。
那么需要燃油27000吨. 但是考虑到飞机要长时间平飞洒播, 燃油用量加倍,需航空煤油54000吨.
现在进口保税航空煤油到岸价每吨3558元,或 534美元/吨. 航空煤油54000吨成本3千万美元。
3.播撒的飞机有采购和损耗成本,由于这种飞机没有乘客,安全需求大幅下降,也不需为客舱增压,所以不需用昂贵的波音客机,现有安124运输机价格1.95亿美元载货量150吨.寿命25年. 完成每年2百万吨的无水氯化钙喷洒任务须22架飞机每天飞2次。 平均下来飞机成本 每年1.72亿美元,加上飞机每年维护费,成本不超过2.5亿美元/年。
四项加起来22.85亿美元。再加其它服务费用,年花费不过30亿美元低于哈佛大学的100亿美元的估算。 6park.com美国现排放只占全球15%,未来随中印的工业化,美国相对排放会在2030年下降。
按巴黎协议执行二氧化碳减排美国每年经济上损失3390亿美元,中国到2030年的排放要比美国多一倍,那么按比例算,中国的减排成本要高达6800亿美元,全球因减排导致的经济损失每年2.3万亿美元.按联合国评估需1.5万亿美元。而这些花费只能使地球温度少增加0.2度.相对之下太阳光反射控制只须年花费不过30亿美元.所以其实只需不到千分之一的花费就能解决,且能使温度降两度。 6park.com总结:如果真的担心全球暖化,现代科技另有办法让地球降温,效果比二氧化碳减排好得多,可是欧洲国家根本不考虑,只咬住要减排,其目的根本不是真的要给地球降温,而是通过限制二氧化碳排放的手段限制发展中国家工业化,因为工业化过程实际上就是通过机械利用能源代替人工的过程,而煤油其实是通过生物凝聚的太阳能,卡住二氧化碳排放就是卡住了这些廉价能源的使用,以此可压制发展中国家工业化的过程。
三天前,拜登接受了留园科学院王文清院士的建议,开始地球工程,在大气中撒入气溶胶,遮挡阳光,把阳光反射回太空,从而减弱太阳对地球的加热作用,切实降低地球温度。看看,还是老王说的靠谱吧。 6park.com
White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming
administration added a note of skepticism to the report by noting that
Congress ordered it, insisting it has not made any decision on
'geoengineering' policy.
President Biden has opened the door to an audacious 'geoengineering' plan
method would be to significantly increase the amount of aerosols in the
stratosphere, which would reflect the sun's rays from the planet.
ideas floated included increasing cloud coverage over oceans, or
reducing the amount of cirrus cloud formations, which reflect solar
radiation back to the Earth.
The report noted that
undertaking the mammoth task could have severe ramifications weather
patterns and food supplies, which would in turn impact biodiversity,
geopolitics, and health.
It also suggested that committing to
the idea then backtracking and changing course could lead to abrupt
warming as the suns rays suddenly heat the Earth once more.
insisting that it was not definitively moving ahead with the plan, the
Biden administration insisted in its report that the idea appeared
It said a 'program of research' into the practice
would 'enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and
benefits' of blocking the sun.
The White House added that
exploring the idea would also allow a better understanding of 'the
foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and
'SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years,' the report claimed.
While noting the idea could have benefits, the White House maintained that it has made no firm decision
over using the risky plan
some scientists feel the plan could be used as a last resort against
climate change, others warn it could have catastrophic consequences on
the atmosphere 6park.com
In a statement accompanying the report, the
administration said 'there are no plans underway to establish a
comprehensive research program focused on solar radiation
Scientists have been split over the potential
benefits of the risky plan, with some warning it could result in a
catastrophic change in the earth's atmosphere.
however, claim it could be used as a last resort if fears over climate
change are realized in the coming years and decades.
fact that this report even exists is probably the most consequential
component of this release,' said Shuchi Talati, the executive director
of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering, to
'This report also signals that the U.S. government
is supportive of well-governed research, including outdoor
experimentation, which I think is quite significant.'
Biden administration made climate policy one of its central policy
platforms in recent years, inserting the issue into other sectors
including infrastructure and transportation.
This marked a
significant shift in policy from Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, who
famously once described climate change as a hoax created by the
In its report, the White House doubled down on its commitment to tackling climate issues.
change is already having profound effects on the physical and natural
world, and on human well-being, and these effects will only grow as
greenhouse gas concentrations increase and warming continues,' the
report stated. 'Understanding these impacts is crucial to enable
informed decisions around a possible role for SRM in addressing human
hardships associated with climate change.