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美国 偷窃 中国数字人民币
送交者: 资本家[★品衔R5★] 于 2022-03-09 7:20 已读 1586 次 1 赞  


美国 偷窃 中国数字人民币 
创造 数字 $$

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Digital renminbi

Digital renminbi (Chinese: 数字人民币; also abbreviated as digital RMB and e-CNY),[1] or Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP, Chinese: 数字货币电子支付; pinyin: Shùzì huòbì diànzǐ zhīfù), is a central bank digital currency issued by China's central bank, the People's Bank of China.[2] It is the first digital currency to be issued by a major economy, undergoing public testing as of April 2021.[2][3] The digital RMB is legal tender[4] and has equivalent value with other forms of renminbi, also known as the Chinese yuan (CNY), such as bills and coins.[2]

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