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送交者: trident[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2021-09-26 19:11 已读 153 次  


回答: 逐字逐句解读孟晚舟和美国司法部达成的延迟起诉协议。 由 trident 于 2021-09-26 16:57

孟晚舟可以在不违反美国联邦,州,地方法律的犯罪条件下,不需要保释金和定期汇报条件。 6park.com

孟晚舟同意遵守在延迟起诉期间,遵守本协议和法院所设定的条件。 6park.com

3.The Offices will recommend to the Court that MENG be released on a personal recognizance bond with the Standard Conditions of Release, including that she not commit any federal, state, or local crime. In that regard, however, the Offices agree that the Standard Condition of Release (2) (related to a DNA sample) is inapplicable to this case, the Offices do not recommend imposing a reporting requirement, and the balance of the conditions would apply to conduct within the jurisdiction of the United States. MENG agrees that, during the deferral period, she will comply with all conditions of this agreement and the Court’s order setting conditions of release.
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