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一位澳洲华人教师教科书式回答澳洲朋友的病毒问题 (重贴)
送交者: ericxu88[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-03-10 18:00 已读 1804 次  


一位澳洲华人教师教科书式回答澳洲朋友的病毒问题 6park.com


西方精英阶层通常很礼貌,话术很高,聊天已称赞对方为主。所以基本只有好朋友间才会聊敏感话题,因为经常有澳洲教师同事和学生问及关于病毒的事,所以统一回答一下,见仁见智吧。 (原文翻译如下: ) 6park.com

感谢所有关心我的朋友们。同时,我也想回答一些大家关心的问题。 6park.com


你怎么看很多人认为这种病毒是中国政府为了消灭那里的老年人而制造的? 6park.com

回答:一些中国人告诉我,他们甚至听到过更有创意的问题。确实,这种病毒看起来只会杀死虚弱和年老的白人,但它却真的能杀死不同年龄的中国人,中国的大规模封锁已经造成了巨大的经济损失。到目前为止,在中国的冠状病毒的致死率仅为2%,而美国2009年的甲流致死率为17.4%。社会福利的收益远远小于经济、生产、外交、公共秩序和长期效应的混合损害。不确定中国政府这样做是否值得。 6park.com

预防的最好方法是什么? 6park.com

回答:自我保护的最佳方法是戴口罩。(1) 能帮助你不受感染 (2) 如果你是健康强壮的人,但你可能携带细菌,帮助他人不受感染是每个人的责任。 6park.com

你戴着口罩吗? 我们应该戴吗? 6park.com

回答:你可能已经注意到一些关于亚洲人被袭击的新闻,因为他们戴着口罩。据信,一些人仍无法接受穿戴防护设备来避免交叉感染的自由。所以,我 (作为一名教师),不得不把自己暴露在风险中,因为我需要维护社会秩序。 6park.com

我们如何预防这种风险? 6park.com

回答:2009年的甲型H1N1流感夺去了大约30万人的生命,而目前的流感已经夺去了美国1.6万人的生命。美国政府声称不要在公共场合戴口罩。冠状病毒与流感非常相似,目前还没有特定的治疗方法,而且在美国疑似有一定数量的病例被认为是流感。区域封锁已被证明是中国最有效的解决方案,但其副作用是巨大的经济损失,然而,如果我们的政府 (澳洲政府) 使用中国的经验,这看起来是政治错误的,事实上,一些媒体指责封锁是违反人权的。看到政客们把政治置于公共卫生之上,我不做评论。我一直很担心你们,我的朋友们 (欧美),你们所能做的就是尽量减少公众集会,等待4月的温暖天气,就像每年的流感是如何被治愈的一样。让上帝来拯救我们吧。 6park.com

中国人反对政府的封城决定吗? 6park.com

回答:如果中国所有的居民都能遵守禁闭的规定,效果会更加明显。以下视频显示,在不同的偏远地区,无人机是如何为戴口罩的人提供建议的。 6park.com

我相信我们 (Australia) 在财政和技术上远比中国好,我们有更好的医疗保健系统,我们的政府对他们的人民远比中国政府负责,最重要的是,我们的人民在体育方面受过更多的训练,所以我们更强大。我们有更多的解决方案,而中国只能实行全国封锁。 6park.com

最后,病毒是人类共同的敌人,不要再把它当做政治上的收获,让我们齐心协力。 6park.com

(我更新一个英语?中国如何锁定) 6park.com


英语原文,敬请转发,为外国朋友答疑解惑: 6park.com

https://www.quora.com/Was-the-coronovirus-man-made-by-the-Chinese-government-to-wipe-out-the-elderly-population-in-China/answer/Eric-Xu-233?prompt_topic_bio=1 6park.com


------------------------------------ 6park.com


Thanks to all of friends who are concerning about me. And also, I’d like to answer some questions widely cared.  6park.com


What do you think about how lots think this virus was man made by Chinese government to wipe out the elderly population there? 6park.com

Some Chinese told me that they even heard more innovative questions, indeed, the virus looks only kill weak and elderly Caucasian but it's killing Chinese in vary ages, and the massive lockdown in China has caused tremendous economy loss. So far, the fatal rate of CoronaVirus is only 2% in China, H1N1 2009 was 17.4% in the US.  The benefit of social welfare gain is far less than the damage of mixture of economy, production, diplomacy, public order and chronic effect. It is unsure if it was worth for Chinese Gov to make this.  6park.com


What is the best way to prevent? 6park.com

The best solution of self protection is wearing face mask. (1) it helps you from being infected (2) if you are strong and healthy, but you may carry the bacteria, it’s your responsibility to help other from being infected.  6park.com


Are you wearing face mask or should we wear it? 6park.com

As you may have noticed some news about the Asian were attacked because they wearing masks. It’s believed some people have yet accepted the freedom of wearing protection equipment from the cross infection.  So, I, have to expose myself into the risk, I love to maintain the social order.  6park.com


How can we prevent from the risk? 6park.com

H1N1 2009 killed about 300,000, and the current Flu has killed 16,000 in US, government claimed not to wear mask in public. Coronavirus is highly similar to the Flu, there is no specific cure yet, and it’s suspected certain amount of cases in US were counted as Flu.   Region lock down has been proved as the most efficient solution in China but the side effect is the HUGE economy loss, however, it looks political incorrect if our government use the Chinese experience, in fact, some media accused the lockdown is human right violation.  No comment to see politicians prioritising politics over the public health.    I have been deeply worrying about you guys, my friends, what you can self-save is SILENTLY minimising public gathering, and only wait for the warm weather in April, just like how yearly Flu has been cured. Let God save us. 6park.com


Have Chinese confronted the government’s decision of lockdown? 6park.com

If all residents in China could obey the rule of lockdown, the effect could be even more obvious. The following video shows how drones were using to advise people wearing mask in different isolated regions. 6park.com


I believe we are far financially and technologically better than China, and we have better health care system, our government is far more responsible than Chinese government to their people, and most importantly, our people are far more trained in sports so we are much stronger. We are having more solutions while China can only use nationwide lockdown.  6park.com

At the end, virus is the common enemy of human, stop making it as political gain, let’s fight together as one.  6park.com




(I updated an English one? how China locked down) 6park.com

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