今天有七个欧洲国家(奥地利,英国,丹麦,法国,德国,西班牙,和瑞典)加入美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,和大多数拉丁美洲国家承认反对派领袖为委内瑞拉合法总统。 加上石油禁运,黄金美元出不去也进不来, 马杜罗在苟延残喘, 普金哭晕在厕所。
另外教廷核实马杜罗请求教皇帮助对话, 临时抱佛脚,哈哈。Seven European Union countries on Monday recognized Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, turning decisively against President Nicolás Maduro after he refused their demand to schedule a new presidential election.The countries — Austria, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden — joined the United States, Canada, Australia and much of Latin America in withdrawing recognition of Mr. Maduro’s government and acknowledging Mr. Guaidó, the opposition leader, as the interim president pending elections.
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