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送交者: 人心在[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2018-04-29 17:26 已读 3023 次  


加拿大怎么有能力花仅仅2.7m$研发反隐身雷达? 滑铁卢和中国量子数学研究合作紧密,很多中科大等里的博后去那里做合作。是不是有泄密? Canada developing quantum radar to detect stealth aircraft

24 April 2018 Share this with Facebook Share this with Twitter Share this with Messenger Share this with Email  A stealth bomberImage copyrightUNIVERSITY OF WATERLOOImage captionCanada is investing $2.7m to develop technology to detect stealth aircraft

Canada has invested $2.7m (£1.93m) into developing quantum radar - a new technology that would greatly improve the detection of stealth aircraft.

The technology is being developed by the University of Waterloo to replace existing Arctic radar stations.

Quantum radar can theoretically detect objects with a greater level of accuracy than conventional radar.

It makes use of quantum illumination - the process of isolating pairs of entangled photons.

So far, the technology has been tested only in laboratories.

Canada and the US jointly maintain 54 North Warning System (NWS) radar stations in the Arctic, which act as the first line of early warning atmospheric air defence for North America.

These radar stations are approaching the end of their life spans, and could need to be replaced as early as 2025.

Several other countries are also interested in developing quantum radar, including China and Russia.

In November, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Shanghai, announced that its scientists were developing a new type of spy satellite that would be able to "uncover" stealth aircraft.

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