以下是《印度时报》读者的评论 : 译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.sa ntaihu.com/2015121004.html 外文地址:http://timesofindia.in diatimes.com/india/China-downplay s-Japans-construction-of-Indias-first-bullet-train-project/articleshow/501 13184.cms Raw Agent bit rivalry is good but in general India should trust Japan more than China and all preference should b to Japan if price difference is not huge factor 有竞争是好事 不过印度对日本的信任会超过对 中国的信任 价格相差不大的话,印度会更青 睐日本 Mahendra Kumar Nayak It is good that competition has started. 竞争已经开始,这是好事 Born In January Also, Govt should pull in Germa ny for some high end engineering pr ojects.. 印度政府也该把德国拉进来角逐 某些高端工程项目 ritesh katti Very true… the Chinese cannot be trusted under any circumstances 正确 无论如何都不能相信中国人 Jit Shorey the winning scenario for India h ere is tech transfer 印度赢的一面是技术转移 Manish Gupta Make in India??!!! 印度制造?! Ashwin S Japan is a trustworthy nation, C hina is not 日本是一个值得信赖的国家,而 中国不是 Saikat Kar ohh my GOD….nooooo pls don’t have 3rd grade Chinese railway trac k here in India. I would not even tak e a free ride….Japan is the best alter native. 哦,天啊 别让中国在印度修建三流铁路 就是免费,我也不坐 日本是最佳选择 satish babu s all the projects should go to jap an. we don’t want cheap chinese jun ks 所有项目应让日本来做 我们不需要便宜的中国垃圾货 Vivek Healthy Rivalry among potential suppliers is always good for buyers. 潜在供应商的健康竞争,对买家 总是有好处的 bcvarikkat V There are many more, china ca n have many of them 还有很多高铁要修,中国还有很 多机会 Jignesh Jani Come on guys. It is plain busine ss, the buyer decide whom to give o rder of goods or services and that h ave many consideration. Japan winni ng the bid has to be seen simply as a customer’s choice based on his co nsiderations… Don’t read too much i n to it.. 拜托,各位,这纯粹是商业考量 买家决定买谁家的货是有很多考 量的。 日本拿到投标,纯粹是客户基于 自己考量所做出的的选择。 别过度解读 Hitesh Gupta Very matured response!! 非常成熟的反应! Rahul Dutt good job. China may get other c orridor 干得不错 中国也许能修其他(高铁)走廊 Prasad this is not the only bullet train r oute, Chinese still have chances to g et other routs projects as well 高铁并非只修一条 中国人仍然有机会拿到其他项目 rashid warsi Good decision by GO I to pick Ja pan…they’re the masters of bullet tr ains others are just cheap copycats.. 印度政府做出了明智的选择,选 择让日本来修高铁 日本是高铁专家,其他是模仿者 Arun Prasanth R Made in Japan have more qualit y than Made in China 日本造的质量胜过中国造的质量 Suryanarayana Kv it will boost the development of Indian railway. 能推动印度铁路的发展 dharman mehta chinese jealous for not getting t he deal 没拿到合同,中国人嫉妒了 John Life is precious. Go for JAPAN. No chinese techology please. China i s for pakistan 生命是宝贵的 选择日本的吧 请别要中国技术 中国技术是为巴基斯坦准备的 Ashwani Kumar Competition is always good in t he benefit of end consumer / custo mer 有竞争总是好的,对终端消费者 有利,对客户有利 Amit Verma Japan is technically strongest in the world for the projects in India. F ar beyond better than China. 日本技术是世界最强的,远超过 中国 Sijin We don’t want Chinese products . 我们不需要中国货http://bbs.tianya.cn/post-333-784231-1.shtml
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