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Flight 9268事故可能系人为破坏
送交者: balconyraccoon[布衣] 于 2015-11-03 10:49 已读 1080 次 1 赞  


Reports: 'Heat flash' linked to doomed Russian plane

A U.S. infrared satellite detected a mid-air "heat flash" over the Sinai Peninsula at the same time a Russian plane crashed in the area, media outlets reported Tuesday.

NBC News, citing an unnamed senior defense official, said U.S. intelligence analysts believe the flash could have been an explosion inside the aircraft, most likely a fuel tank or bomb. The official said there was no indication of a surface-to-air missile. CBS was reporting similar information.

The reports came as Russian media outlets, citing an Egyptian forensic expert, reported that an analysis of injuries sustained by victims showed a mid-air explosion might have occurred aboard the Airbus A321. Hundreds of bodies and body parts were being flown to St. Petersburg, where mourning families have begun identifying remains.

The crash 23 minutes after takeoff Saturday killed all 224 passengers and crew aboard Metrojet charter Flight 9268 en route to St. Petersburg from the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt. Speculation about why came apart 31,000 feet above the Egyptian desert continued to focus on pilot error, technical problems and terrorist attacks.

Metrojet executives on Monday blamed "external impact" and said neither their crew nor mechanical failure played a role in the air disaster. An insurgent affiliate of the Islamic State group operating in the Sinai has claimed responsibility for bringing down the jet.

Experts called the conclusions premature and said the answers lay in the flight data and voice recorders recovered immediately after the crash and the pattern of wreckage strewn over the Egyptian desert. A basic outline of what went wrong could come within weeks, if not days. The full investigation to determine what caused the crash could take a year or more.

版主:睡觉中的胖子于2015_11_03 10:59:39编辑

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