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Islamic State claims responsibility for Russian plane crash in Egypt
送交者: 海盗龟[♂品衔R2☆♂] 于 2015-10-31 9:51 已读 1714 次 1 赞  


A militant group affiliated to Islamic State in Egypt claimed responsibility for the downing of a Russian passenger plane that crashed in Egypt's Sinai peninsula on Saturday, the group said in a statement circulated by supporters on Twitter.

Egyptian security sources earlier on Saturday said early investigations suggested the plane crashed due to a technical fault.

The claim of responsibility was also carried by the Aamaq website which acts as a semi official news agency for Islamic State.

"The fighters of the Islamic State were able to down a Russian plane over Sinai province that was carrying over 220 Russian crusaders. They were all killed, thanks be to God," the statement circulated on Twitter said.

(Reporting by Mostafa Hashem; Writing by Ahmed Aboulenein; editing by Ralph Boulton)


版主:海盗龟于2015_10_31 9:51:29编辑

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