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西方作者也对这问题写过文章: 关于那个NED 机构
送交者: Amaranthen[布衣] 于 2014-10-30 18:42 已读 272 次 1 赞  


回答: 一图流:美国灭亡别国的12个步骤 由 刘嘉伟Gary 于 2014-10-30 16:58

Democracy is usually the first victim of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a U.S. agency that promotes the U.S Empire's foreign policy beneath the false guise of "promoting democracy".

Considered a "soft" tool of Empire, NED and its subsidiaries work to transform societal fissures in target countries into gaping holes, through which covert agendas can metastize before exploding into illegal regime changes.


And finally, a few words about Occupy Central in Hong Kong. Here too, NED and NDI are actively participating in the movement

Unlike its counterparts in North America, Occupy Central has identifiable leaders, including Martin Lee, Jimmy Lai, Joseph Zen, Anson Chan, and Benny Tai, and each of these leaders is connected in one way or another with U.S. contacts, and U.S. funding. All of this, plus the conspicuous absence of banking institutions from the agenda, suggests that Occupy Central is not organic, and that Empire will strongly impact this movement as well.


来自Huffington Post

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