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今天在咖啡店看报纸,旁边两白人2B在谈论昆明事件,又谈到Tibet and 达赖喇嘛。说什么中国没民主自由,Communist party, blabla 实在忍不住跟他们呛起来。 我也不管他们BB啥,反正把我想说的都dump 给他们。no doubt about that . there is no any fucking reason to tolerate killing innocent people including women and kids. they aren't freedom fighters. however they are cowards. bla... why do u guys say Boston bombing is terrorism attack, this is typical damn double standard. if they stab your family members to death. how do u feel? 总之就要给这帮傻逼上课,再讲讲达赖这老B货是个奴隶主,peel human skin to craft a bday present. 对这些白皮猪你得教育他们,歧视他们,不能惯他那毛病。他们习惯了国人胆子怕事,新来的土嚎又光有$不会E文。我们这些 老一代叛国者该起点模饭带头作用,为祖国出点嘴。 | |||
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