好吃到没有朋友的 -- 广式脆皮烧肉

送交者: 盈_盈 [♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2016-03-03 9:57 已读 18903 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读
不久前好友Kit从香港来看我和宝宝,认识她这么多年,我们每次见面都在不同的国家,感谢网络,让我们这么多年来一直能保持联系。  几天的促膝长谈之后,一天到亚洲超市买菜的时候我就说起想吃香港的脆皮烧肉。然后Kit就说,那就自己烤嘛!然后我们就开开心心的买了五花肉,第二天烤了脆皮烧肉。味道呢! 按Kit的说法,是 -- “好食到冇朋友!” My good friend Kit came and visit us from Hong Kong last week, we spent the first few days catching up and chitchatting. It was funny that we came to realized that the last few times we met, were all in different countries -- Malaysia, Hong Kong, India and now USA. The only thing unchanged is the friendship and the way we feel for each other. As we talked about my past visit to Hongkong, I started craving for some good roast pork, one of the day when we went for grocery shopping, we bought some pork belly and decided to make this roast pork at home! It turned out so yummy that Kit said in Cantonese that it is "hou sek dou mou pang yao!" Taste too good to have any friends! LOL 材料:  1-1.5 磅 五花肉 1 1/2 tsp 五香粉 1 tsp 盐 一点点的小苏打 (可无) 一点点油 其他: 3-4 片姜片 2 根葱 1/3 杯料酒 Ingredients: 1-1. lbs of Pork Belly 1 1/2 tsp Chinese Five Spice 1 tsp Salt A pinch of baking soda A little bit of oil Other: 3-4 Slices of ginger root 2 Spring onion 1/3 cup of Chinese cooking wine   1. 先把五花肉洗干净,然后放到一锅煮有姜片,葱和料酒的锅里煮5-8分钟至五花肉变色定型。 2. 沥干,然后在肉的部分划两刀,把五香粉和盐混合。抹在肉上,小心不要抹在皮的那一面。 3. 取锡箔纸把肉和边边的部份包起来,然后放到冰箱里风干/腌一个晚上。 4. 第二天,取几根牙签/竹签/钢针,在皮上插上无数个洞洞。然后抹上一点点小苏打 (可无)。再抹/喷上一层薄薄的油. 5. 烤箱预热至380F(195C), 把五花肉入烤箱烤20-25分钟。取出,打开锡箔纸,把烤箱升温至 400 F (205C), 或转高火,继续烤8-10分钟至猪皮出现泡泡为止。 6. 稍微冷却,切块,沾海鲜酱吃。 注:烤的时候记得底部放上一个盘子盛烤出的猪油,不然烤箱会烟很大。 1. Clean the pork belly well, blanch it in a pot with sliced ginger, spring onion and cooking wine, cook the meat for 5-8 minutes until it changes color. 2. Drained and cut about 1/2 an inch deep through the meaty part of pork belly. Rubbed the mixture of Chinese five spice and salt over the meat, make sure not to stain the skin, as the five spice may give a bitter taste over the skin after baking. 3. Wrap the pork belly around with foil paper and leave the skin part exposed to dry. Leave the pork belly in the fridge over night. 4.  The next day,use a few tooth pick/bamboo skewer/needles, poke multiple holes over the dried skin, then spread a thin layer of baking soda over the skin. Before putting it into the oven, spread or spray a thin layer of oil over the skin. 5. Preheat oven to 380F (195 C), bake the pork belly with foil for 20-25. Take out, open the foil and continue baking at 400F(205C) for another 10-15 minutes until bubbles show on the skin. 6. Take it out and wait for a little before cutting into pieces. Serve with Hoisin Sauce. Note:make sure you place a baking sheet underneath of the pork belly, otherwise it could smoke quite bad. 欢迎到我的博客玩 -- http://blog.sina.com.cn/spicehunt? Visit me at -- http://www.echoskitchen.com/

评分完成:已经给 盈_盈 加上 200 银元!

贴主:盈_盈于2016_03_03 16:39:48编辑

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