
送交者: whatiswrong [☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2017-06-13 15:34 已读 266 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读
回复: 从UIUC报纸News Gazzett的评论板块找来的关于车的信息 由 whatiswrong 于 2017-06-13 15:30
oldtruth wrote 1 day 6 min ago
1:30 PM, Friday: She texts One North to say she will be late. 

1:35: She boards the bus at Orchard Downs south shelter. 

How do you get from there to One North by bus? Here's the route according to Google Maps: 


1:52: She gets off the bus at Springfield and Mathews, exactly as Google Maps says to do. 

Her transfer bus (from the 12 to the 22) is supposed to be kittycorner at that exact time. 

Does she miss the bus? Not intend to get on it? Get lost? We don't know. 

There is, however, a stop for the 22 along the route at the SE corner of N Goodwin and W Clark. She is waiting there when the car approaches. 

Why does the car stop? Why does she engage with the driver? Why does she get in the car? We don't know. 

It's worth noting that the Saturn Astra was a poor seller from 2008 (when it was released in the US) to 2010, when Saturn was discontinued by GM. Wikipedia says less than 20,000 models were sold. Further, this car is black, the 5-door version (looks like to me, anyway), and the XE model. There can't be many of them around here. 

What if she was walking to a stop for the 22 when the bus went past? She waived, but the driver didn't stop? A car with a friendly (or not friendly) driver MIGHT think to offer her a ride in that circumstance. 

It also may be worth noting that the 22 runs every 30 minutes. Missing the bus would mean a long wait, a long HOT wait on that Friday afternoon.            

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