丈夫照顾瘫痪妻子56年A devoted husband has spent the last 56 years caring for his bed-ridden wife, who lost all sensation in her body when she was 20. Du Yuanfa, 84, of Sunjiayu, in east China’s Shandong Province, gave up his job as a coal miner in 1959, shortly after Zhou Yu’ai contracted a mysterious illness and became completely paralysed. The couple had only been married for five months at the time, the People’s Daily Online reported, yet Du vowed to “take care of her forever”. He found out about the tragic turn in events when he received a letter informing him that she was “sick and bed-bound”, while working in a coal mine in a nearby city in Tai’an. He returned home to discover his young wife was no longer able to look after herself, her whole body was stiff and she could not turn or even hold objects in her hands. 过去56年,丈夫一直照顾卧床不起的妻子。妻子还是20岁时就失去了所有知觉。 1959年,周玉爱患上了一个神秘的疾病,全身瘫痪,山东84岁老人杜元法不久后辞掉矿工的工作 当时两人刚结婚5个月,杜元法发誓要照顾她一辈子。 当时在泰安市一家煤矿工作的杜元法突然接到家里捎信:妻子患病卧床 他马上请假赶回老家,发现妻子已经无法照顾自己,整个身体僵直,不能翻身,手也不能拿东西。 The couple, who live in a simple stone-built home, were told that Zhou was infertile and would be confined to her bed for the rest of her life. 这对夫妇居住在一间简单的石头切成的房子里,他们被告知周玉爱一辈子将卧床不起,也没有生育能力。 Friends advised Du to annul the marriage and start again, but he refused. He then quit his job to look after her full-time. 朋友们劝他放弃这个婚姻,重新再来,但是他拒绝了。随后他毅然辞掉工作,天天在床边伺候。
以下是《印度时报》读者的评论: 译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/2015121802.html 外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Devoted-husband-cares-for-paralysed-wife-for-56-years/articleshow/50213485.cms Peekay Nair Such devotion is rarest of rare, truly remarkable and worth applauding considering the number of years he spent caring for her 考虑到照顾了那么多年,如此奉献实属罕见, 难能可贵,值得鼓掌 Fraternally Indian Wow, hats off to the guy… 哇,向这个家伙致敬 Venkat B This is a lesson for the current generation who are on the brink of divorce 对那些处在离婚边缘的当前一代人来说,这是一堂课 Abdul Salam I am sure he is not a politician. 我敢肯定他不是政客 Fraternally Indian Of course he is not… Had he been a politician, he would have put the blame on the wife and left her dying, to be with some other woman…. 当然他不是 他要是一位政客,他就会怪妻子,然后离她而去,跟其他女人在一起 A Park Salute to you Sir 向你致敬,先生 Rajiv R This will be rarest of rare cases. Especially for the generation filing for divorces like changing clothes. 太罕见了 特别是现在的人离婚跟换衣服一样 Bhaskar Singh This is the definition of devotion. I think all of us could devote ourselves to someone we love. 这就是对专一的诠释,我们都应对爱人专一 Hemanth Kumar Wow… what a husband… 哇,多好的丈夫啊 ajaykumar ahmedabad – 19 hours ago so touching…God and good wishes be always with this couple.. Hats off 太感人了 上天保佑这对夫妇 致敬 Dr Tarun Kumar Such devotion is rarest of rare 如此专一实属罕见 Kumud Sharma It is a very strong case of social responsibility and moral duty of a person. Such type of cases may also be found in India also 社会责任和道德职责的有力例证 印度也能找到类似感人的故事 Thinker real life love story heart warming 暖人心的真实爱情故事 PutSomeNameHere These are the real heroes of our species. 这些才是真正的英雄 Yash Vora had tears in my eyes ; thanks for being an lovely inspiration 眼睛湿润了 谢谢分享如此感人的故事 Prasad very great husband 非常伟大的丈夫 MANI Heart touching. He is the real husband. 感人,他是当之无愧的丈夫 Karan Singh God bless the couple…. 上天保佑这对夫妇 TheRegularIndian Wow. sounds like a fairy tale, although with no happy ending so far. In India we have many many cases where the wife takes care of her ailing husband or ailing in-laws for years n years together. Long live such devotion and love! 哇,听起来像是童话故事 虽然迄今为止没有美好的结局 在印度,很多妻子年复一年地照顾生病的丈夫,照顾生病的公公婆婆。 爱情万岁 Ramesh Bindroo This is incredible. I bow 1000 times in front of this man. May God give you all the strength to take care of your love. 不可思议 向老人鞠躬1000次 愿上天赋予你力量照顾妻子 Ranvir Mehra I salute you sir god bless you 向你致敬,上天保佑你 ramanasuta Real MAN. 真男人 dinesh UAE – 18 hours ago What a touching example of care & love. 多么感人的爱情故事 kishore thakrar This is TRUE LOVE! 这是真爱! Punit Agrawal Agrawal Immortal love… 不朽的爱 Srinivas K Bangalore – 11 hours ago May she get well… 希望她康复 rajeev Du Yuanfa is the life example for truelove 杜元法是真爱的活生生例子 Anasuya Aswath Hats off to him 向他致敬
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