We've discovered an IG page filled with random but relatable memes. The fact that it has clocked up over 1.4 million followers says something... Whether you're feeling happy or sad, or maybe just looking for a reason to procrastinate, there should be something for you on the BruhIFunny Instagram page. We have gone through thousands of the posts to select a list of the best. Don't forget to upvote the ones that made you spit out your morning coffee.
Have you ever found yourself feeling down in the dumps, decided to scroll through a bunch of random memes, and suddenly felt better? Even if only for a short while… That’s because a good, hilarious meme has the potential to lift your spirits, make you feel seen, and inject some much-needed humor into an otherwise dark situation. Research shows that memes can even destigmatise depression, and help those suffering feel a sense of community.
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