Brussels pushes ‘buy European’ procurement plan 根据泄露的文件,欧盟委员会将提议在关键行业和技术的公共采购中引入优先考虑欧洲供应商的政策。此举呼应特朗普的“美国优先”。
Leaked policy proposal would give government option to exclude foreign companies from public contracts.
欧盟希望允许各成员国政府排除域外竞标者,“购买欧洲货”(buy European)。此举呼应唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的“美国优先”(America First)政策,潜在有可能破坏与贸易伙伴之间的国际协议。 The European Commission “will propose the introduction of a European preference in public procurement for critical sectors and technologies”, according to a draft plan obtained by the Financial Times.根据英国《金融时报》获得的一份计划草案,欧盟委员会(European Commission)“将提议在关键行业和技术的公共采购中引入优先考虑欧洲供应商的政策”。 Officials say the aim is to give governments a way to protect important EU sectors from cheaper competitors from China and elsewhere. The proposal, which aims to implement reforms championed by Italy’s former prime minister Mario Draghi, is still under discussion and could change before it is published on Wednesday, they said.官员们表示,此举的目的是让成员国政府有办法保护重要的欧盟行业,使其不会被中国等其他地区的更低成本竞争对手抢走生意。他们表示,旨在落实意大利前总理马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)倡导的改革的这项提案仍在讨论中,在下周三公布之前仍可能会有变动。 “Buy European” provisions, which could hit the UK and Switzerland, have long been debated in Brussels but have struggled to win support from economically liberal member states. The latest initiative comes as the US president directs his administration to prioritise domestic purchases. 可能会打击英国和瑞士公司的“购买欧洲货”规定在布鲁塞尔辩论已久,但此前难以赢得在经济上采取自由派立场的成员国的支持。最新举措出炉之际,美国总统指示其领导的行政当局优先考虑从国内采购。 “The loss of European-based production capacities and knowhow in critical sectors could leave the EU dangerously dependent on imports in key segments of the economy,” the proposal says. “在关键行业失去欧洲自己的生产力和专业知识,可能会使欧盟在关键的经济领域危险地依赖进口。”提案称。 “In a context where other major players impose access restrictions to their markets and seek to boost manufacturing capacity in critical technologies, Europe must safeguard its own capacities.”“在其他大型经济体对其市场实施准入限制、并寻求提高关键技术制造产能的背景下,欧洲必须保护自己的能力。”Stéphane Séjourné, the French EU commissioner for industrial strategy, has said that measures such as the revision of public procurement and state aid rules are part of Brussels’ effort to “translate the European doctrine into action”.来自法国的欧盟产业战略专员斯特凡纳•塞茹尔内(Stéphane Séjourné)表示,修订公共采购和国家援助规则等措施是布鲁塞尔方面努力的一部分,目的是“将欧洲的原则转化为行动”。 The commission wants to revise the public procurement directive next year, which dictates that all contracts “must treat all applicants equally and not discriminate between them”. 欧盟委员会希望在接下来的一年修订公共采购指令,该指令目前规定所有合同“必须平等对待所有申请人,不得歧视其中某些申请人”。 The EU is also a signatory to the government procurement agreement at the World Trade Organization, which states that measures “should not be prepared, adopted or applied so as to afford protection to domestic suppliers, goods or services, or to discriminate among foreign suppliers, goods or services”.欧盟也是世界贸易组织政府(WTO)采购协议的签署国,该协议规定“不应为了保护国内供应商、商品或服务而制定、颁布或应用相关措施,也不应歧视某些外国供应商、商品或服务”。 If approved by member states, the Europe first policy would be a remarkable volte face. It threatened action against China this month for unfair discrimination against EU companies in the medical device market. 如果得到成员国批准,这项“欧洲优先”政策将是一个令人瞩目的大逆转。欧盟在1月早些时候还威胁要对中国采取行动,称中国在医疗器械市场不公平地歧视欧盟公司。 The bloc in 2022 launched a legal case against the UK at the WTO when it consulted on giving preferential access to domestically manufactured wind turbines in subsidy schemes.2022年,当英国就在补贴计划中优先考虑国产风力发电机征求意见时,欧盟曾在世贸组织对英国提起诉讼。 “This violates the WTO’s core tenet that imports must be able to compete on an equal footing with domestic products,” the commission said at the time. London backed down. “这违反了世贸组织有关进口产品必须能够与国内产品平等竞争的核心原则。”欧盟委员会当时表示。结果英国在这件事上让步。 Lawyers said that the bloc would be open to challenge both internationally and at its own European Court of Justice. “The EU will need to think carefully about compatibility with WTO and the EU’s own rules,” said Francesco Pili, counsel at Hogan Lovells in Brussels. 律师们表示,欧盟可能在国际层面和自己的欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)受到挑战。“欧盟将需要仔细考虑世贸组织规则与欧盟自身规则之间的相容性,”霍金路伟(Hogan Lovells)律师事务所驻布鲁塞尔的律师弗朗西斯科•皮利(Francesco Pili)表示。 If the proposal survived it would signal a victory for France, which has led calls to go further with “strategic autonomy” including favouring local companies.如果该提案得到通过,那将标志着法国取得一个胜利。法国已带头呼吁更进一步,实现“战略自主”,包括优先考虑本地区公司。 The leaked “Competitiveness Compass” document proposes to cut the administrative burden on EU businesses by 25 to 35 per cent, as previously announced. But it sets no baseline for the calculation. 泄露的《竞争力指南针》(Competitiveness Compass)文件提议将欧盟企业的行政管理负担削减25%至35%,就像之前已宣布的那样。但它没有列出这一计算的基线。 But it also outlines almost 40 new acts, action plans and sectoral strategies. 它还概述了近40项新法案、行动计划和行业战略。 Among them are a Biotech Act, a Space Act, a Critical Medicines Act and a Chemicals Industry Package, as well as measures to streamline the EU’s disparate national tax and labour laws.其中包括《生物技术法》(Biotech Act)、《太空法》(Space Act)、《关键药物法》(Critical Medicines Act)和《化学工业一揽子计划》(Chemicals Industry Package),以及精简欧盟目前各自为政的国家税收和劳动法律的措施。 All aim to boost EU research or protect domestic businesses. 所有这些都旨在促进欧盟的研发努力或保护本土企业。 “In a global system where geopolitical tensions, competition for technological supremacy and the scramble for control over resources are on the rise, Europe’s freedom, security and autonomy depend more than ever on its ability to innovate, compete and grow,” the paper says. “在一个地缘政治紧张、技术霸权竞争和对资源控制的争夺不断加剧的全球体系中,欧洲的自由、安全和自主比以往任何时候都更依赖于其创新、竞争和成长的能力。”该文件称。 The commission said it could not comment on draft proposals.欧盟委员会称其无法对计划草案发表评论。
Brussels wants to allow governments to exclude foreign bidders and “buy European” in a move echoing Donald Trump’s “America First” policy that could break international agreements with trading partners.
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