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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-23 17:37 已读 7827 次 1 赞  





体验“泼水成冰”被烫伤并非个例,每到冬季,医院的烫伤科都会有被开水烫伤的游客前来就诊。 6park.com

Jiangxi tourist Ms Jiang got scalded trying "splashing water to make ice" while visiting Heilongjiang. The hot water caused blisters on her head. She's recovering after treatment. 6park.com

Being scalded by "splashing water to make ice" is not uncommon. Every winter, hospitals' burn units see tourists scalded by boiling water seeking treatment. 6park.com

哈尔滨医科大学第二附属医院烧伤病区主任医师赵震宇表示:烫伤的程度一般都是以一度和浅二度为主,常见的部位是头、面部、手,还有脚。因为做出泼水成冰的效果,一般的水温都得在90℃以上,操作不当非常容易被烫伤。 6park.com

Those scalds are usually first-degree or superficial second-degree, commonly found on the head, face, hands, and feet. Achieving the ice-making effect by splashing water requires water temperatures above 90°C, which can easily scald the skin. 6park.com

赵医生介绍,一旦被热水烫伤,要第一时间采取正确的急救措施,用流动的凉水冲洗烫伤位置20至30分钟,给皮肤降温。如果烫伤面积比较小,用凉水冲洗后做好消毒,但不要揭掉水疱皮,水疱皮可以对皮下组织起到保护作用。 6park.com

First aid for scalding: Rinse the area with flowing, cool water for 20-30 minutes immediately. For minor scalds, disinfect without removing the blistered skin after rinsing with cool water.


哈尔滨工业大学物理学院教授任延宇介绍,“泼水成冰”中的结冰并不是水结冰,而是水形成的水蒸气,在极端寒冷空气里凝结成水滴或者小冰晶,这与北方隆冬天气里形成的大雾现象类似。 6park.com

"Splashing water to make ice" doesn't involve water freezing, but rather water vapor condensing into droplets or ice crystals in extremely cold air, akin to dense fog in severe winter conditions. 


任教授介绍,这个过程是需要条件的: 6park.com

▪ 气温要非常低。一般至少需要-30℃,最好能达到-40℃,因为气温越低,凝结成冰的过程就会越短。 6park.com

▪ 需要开水。很热的水更有可能蒸发成气体,然后遇冷变成小水珠,被我们所看到。“泼水成冰”一般是极冷的环境下,可以直接从气体变成固体,这就是“凝华”的过程。


任教授建议,第一次体验不要用敞开大口的壶直接泼,可以加一层滤网,帮助散落得更充分,形成的水滴更小;另外不要往直上方向泼,避免带来危险。 6park.com

工作人员介绍,为了达到较好的拍摄效果,建议游客在清晨气温低、光线好的时候操作,一定要先掌握泼水的技巧,在保障安全的前提下操作。 6park.com

For optimal shooting results, it is recommended that tourists operate in the early morning when temperatures are low and lighting is good. It is essential to first master the technique of splashing water and ensuring safety. 6park.com

▪ 拿一壶开水,把它加入特制的水舀子里,单手能把水舀子拿起来即可,找到适合自己的水量。 6park.com

▪ 泼水时一定要放在身体侧面,不要正对着自己的身体,以免开水泼出后落下烫伤自己。 6park.com

▪ 迅速地、快速地把手臂摆成一个圆,这样形成的效果更好。 6park.com

1. Take a kettle of boiling water and pour it into a specialized ladle. Ensure you can lift the ladle with one hand and adjust the water amount to your preference. 6park.com

2. When splashing water, position the ladle to the side of your body, not directly facing yourself, to avoid scalds from the hot water. 6park.com

3. Swiftly and smoothly swing your arm in a circular motion for the best effect.

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