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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-23 17:36 已读 6532 次 1 赞  




It was a big year for elections all around the globe, but I confess I’m struggling to find much cheer in the contests that took place in Europe. 6park.com

这一年全球范围内的选举活动非常多,但我承认,我很难在欧洲的选举中找到多少乐趣。 6park.com

In the EU’s 27 member states, the European parliament elections produced an ambiguous result. The centrist party groups that have long controlled the legislature kept their majority, but the radical right gained support and now occupies about 25 per cent of the assembly’s seats. 6park.com

在欧盟的27个成员国中,欧洲议会选举的结果模棱两可。长期控制议会的中间派政党团体保住了多数席位,但激进右翼获得了支持,目前占据了议会约25%的席位。 6park.com

President Emmanuel Macron’s gamble in calling snap legislative elections in France didn’t go well. In Romania, the authorities went so far as to annul the result of the presidential election’s first round. 6park.com

法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)提前举行立法选举的赌注并未成功。在罗马尼亚,当局甚至宣布总统选举第一轮的结果无效。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Ten reasons to be cheerful about 2024



German voters are heading to early elections after chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-way coalition imploded under the strain of the country’s economic and security challenges.  6park.com

由于德国总理奥拉夫•朔尔茨的三方联盟在国家经济和安全挑战的压力下瓦解,德国选民将提前进行选举。 6park.com

On February 23, they will decide which parties will be given the task of reviving the Eurozone’s largest economy, which faces a potential contraction next year and grapples with the repercussions of the war in Ukraine.  6park.com

2月23日,他们将决定哪些政党将被赋予重振欧元区最大经济体的任务。该经济体明年可能面临收缩,并正在努力应对乌克兰战争的影响。 6park.com

The attack carried out by a Saudi national on a Christmas market in Magdeburg, killing five and injuring more than 200, has left the country in a state of shock. The threat of Russia meddling and boosting the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, as well as the emergence of a far-left party led by Sahra Wagenknecht, have added to the challenge for the established parties. 6park.com

一名沙特国民在马格德堡的圣诞市场发动的袭击造成五人死亡,超过200人受伤,使全国震惊。俄罗斯干预并支持极右翼的德国选择党(Alternative for Germany),以及由莎拉•瓦根克内希特(Sahra Wagenknecht)领导的极左翼政党的出现,给现有政党带来了更多挑战。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月22日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 German election 2025: What are the main campaign pledges?



Senior Spotify executives and board members have sold $1.25bn worth of the company’s stock in 2024 — including $900mn in payouts for its two co-founders — as they capitalise on the music streamer’s soaring share price. 6park.com

2024年,Spotify的高管和董事会成员出售了价值12.5亿美元的公司股票——其中包括两位联合创始人获得的9亿美元分红——以利用这家音乐流媒体公司飙升的股价。 6park.com

The sum of $1.25bn was cashed out by about 20 executives and board members during the year, with stock sales ramping up in November and December, according to a Financial Times analysis of filings to the US Securities and Exchange Commission. 6park.com

根据英国《金融时报》对提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件的分析,今年约有20名高管和董事会成员套现了12.5亿美元,11月和12月的股票销售大幅增加。 6park.com

Shares of Spotify, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, have nearly tripled in 2024, hovering near a $100bn market capitalisation. It is a sharp turnaround from 2022 and 2023 when the group’s share price dropped to its lowest ever, trading at a market capitalisation of less than $20bn. 6park.com

在纽约证券交易所上市的Spotify的股价在2024年增长了近两倍,市值徘徊在1000亿美元附近。这与2022年和2023年的情况形成了鲜明对比,当时该集团股价跌至历史最低点、市值不足200亿美元。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Spotify executives cash in as streaming service stock price soars



Syria’s interim government is ready to take control of Isis detainee camps being run by US-backed Kurdish militants, Turkey’s foreign minister said during a visit to Damascus. 6park.com

土耳其外长在访问大马士革时表示,叙利亚临时政府已准备好接管伊斯兰国(Isis)拘留营。目前该拘留营由美国支持的库尔德武装人员管理。 6park.com

Ankara’s top diplomat Hakan Fidan became the first foreign minister to travel to Syria to meet Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, who also goes by his birth name of Ahmed al-Sharaa. HTS led the offensive that overthrew former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. 6park.com

土耳其的最高外交官哈坎•菲丹(Hakan Fidan)成为首位前往叙利亚会见沙姆解放组织(HTS)领导人阿布•穆罕默德•朱拉尼(Abu Mohammad al-Jolani)的外交部长,朱拉尼也以本名艾哈迈德•沙雷(Ahmed al-Sharaa)作为称呼。沙姆解放组织领导了最近推翻前叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的攻势。 6park.com

“The Syrian administration told us it is ready to take the necessary initiative to take over these prisoners,” Fidan said on Sunday. 6park.com

菲丹在上周日表示:“叙利亚政府告诉我们,他们已准备好采取必要的措施来接管这些囚犯。” 6park.com

——本文2024年12月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Syria’s new government ready to run Isis detainee camps, Turkish minister says

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