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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-20 17:37 已读 6630 次 1 赞  


据环球网援引路透社报道,美国总统拜登当地时间19日表示,他“当然”会出席明年1月20日举行的美国当选总统特朗普就职典礼,并提到后者曾缺席自己的就职仪式,指认共和党人“幼稚”。 6park.com

US President Joe Biden said he would "of course" attend Donald Trump's presidential inauguration next month, personally confirming his presence and rejecting what he called the Republican's "childish game".


报道称,当被问及是否计划出席下个月特朗普的就职典礼时,拜登当日在一次采访中回答说,“当然会”。 6park.com

“唯一曾缺席(继任者)就职典礼的总统,就是即将就职的那个人”,拜登补充说。 6park.com

"Of course I am," Biden said in an interview broadcast on Thursday on the Meidas Touch network, when asked if he was planning to attend the Jan 20 transfer of power. 6park.com

"The only president ever to avoid an inauguration is the guy that's about to be inaugurated." 6park.com


2020年美国总统选举结束后,特朗普拒绝承认败选,并宣称选举存在大规模舞弊。路透社称,特朗普拒绝承认选举结果,导致其政府向拜登政府过渡时出现混乱,拖延了事关联邦机构的拨款和运作。 6park.com

路透社最新报道提到,为实现权力交接,拜登今年11月在特朗普胜选后邀请他前往白宫举行会晤,白宫称两人这次会晤“非常融洽”(very cordial)。 6park.com

For his handover, Biden invited Trump to the White House after his Nov 5 victory and the two had a meeting described by the White House as "very cordial". His administration has been instructed to follow traditional transition procedures. 6park.com

拜登本月19日最新受访时还说,特朗普不遵守规则,“这不是我关心的问题。我的工作是使过渡可行”,“底线是我们不能再这样下去了。我们不能再玩这种一言不合就走开或者不合作的幼稚游戏”。 6park.com

"The fact that he doesn't abide by the rules of the democracy we've established is not my concern," Biden said in the interview, conducted on Monday. "My job is to make a transition workable and available."

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