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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-20 17:37 已读 6638 次  




Luigi Mangione appeared before a New York federal court on Thursday where he is charged with murdering UnitedHealthcare chief executive Brian Thompson in a case that has gripped global public attention. 6park.com

路易吉•曼焦内(Luigi Mangione)周四在纽约联邦法院(New York Federal Court)出庭受审,他被指控谋杀联合健康保险(UnitedHealthCare)首席执行官布莱恩•汤普森(Brian Thompson),此案引起了全球公众关注。 6park.com

The 26-year-old Ivy League graduate arrived in federal court in lower Manhattan early in the afternoon, shortly after prosecutors unveiled four charges against him, including murder by firearm and stalking. 6park.com

这位26岁的常春藤盟校毕业生在下午早些时候抵达曼哈顿下城的联邦法院。不久,检察官公布了对他的四项指控,包括持枪谋杀和跟踪。 6park.com

The federal charges came in addition to an indictment obtained by the Manhattan district attorney in state court earlier this week in connection with the murder of Thompson, 50, who led the country’s largest health insurer. 6park.com

联邦指控是在曼哈顿地区检察官本周早些时候在州法院获得的关于汤普森谋杀案的起诉书基础上提出的。汤普森领导着美国最大的医疗保险公司。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Luigi Mangione faces federal murder charge in UnitedHealthcare killing



For markets, US Federal Reserve chief Jay Powell is the Grinch who stole Christmas. But the festive shakeout in bonds, currencies and stocks now under way in the wake of the US central bank’s latest pronouncements is a mini-crisis of investors’ own making.  6park.com

在市场眼里,美联储(Federal Reserve)主席杰伊•鲍威尔(Jay Powell)是偷走圣诞节的格林奇。但美国央行最新声明后债券、货币和股票市场出现的节日震荡,是投资者自己酿成的一场“迷你”危机。 6park.com

Fed meetings, and the minutiae of its public statements, are always marquee events for investors, setting the tone across all major asset classes. Wednesday’s meeting, the last of 2024, always came with the potential for greater punch, given the timing — right on the cusp of Donald Trump’s second stint in the White House.  6park.com

美联储会议及其公开声明的细节一直是投资者关注的焦点,为所有主要资产类别定下基调。考虑到时机——就在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)第二次入主白宫之前——周三的会议(2024年最后一次)本来就有可能产生更大的影响。 6park.com

The decision on rates itself — a quarter-point chop off the benchmark — was in line with expectations. But it went downhill from there, as the central bank’s apparent cooling on further cuts next year — an allusion to the potentially inflationary impact of Trump’s economic policies — has gone down like a mouldy mince pie. 6park.com

利率决定本身——将基准利率下调0.25百分点——符合预期。但除此之外的表态让人扫兴,美国央行对明年降息的预期明显变淡,暗示特朗普的经济政策可能产生通胀影响。这对市场来说就像是发霉的百果馅饼。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Investors only have themselves to blame as Jay Powell steals Christmas



Israeli warplanes have hit port and energy targets across Yemen, including its first strikes on the capital Sana'a, marking the third direct attack by Israel against Iran-backed Houthi militants this year. 6park.com

以色列战机空袭了也门各地的港口和能源目标,包括首次袭击首都萨那,这是以色列今年第三次直接袭击伊朗支持的胡塞武装。 6park.com

The Israeli military said it had launched “precise strikes” against targets that “contributed to [the Houthis’] military actions”, including port facilities on the Red Sea coast at Hodeida, As-Salif and Ras Isa, as well as energy installations in Sana'a. Nine people were killed in the strikes, according to reports from Houthi-controlled media. 6park.com

以色列军方说,它对“协助(胡塞武装)军事行动”的目标发动了“精确打击”,包括红海沿岸荷台达、阿斯萨利夫和拉斯伊萨的港口设施,以及萨那的能源设施。据胡塞武装控制的媒体报道,九人在袭击中丧生。 6park.com

The strikes early on Thursday came shortly after the Houthis, who control Yemen, launched ballistic missiles at the country which were intercepted by Israel’s air defences. Residents of central Israel were woken by air raid sirens, and a school outside Tel Aviv was severely damaged by what authorities said were probably missile fragments. 6park.com

周四凌晨的袭击发生在控制也门的胡塞武装向以色列发射弹道导弹后不久,这些导弹被以色列的防空系统拦截。以色列中部的居民被空袭警报惊醒,特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)郊外的一所学校被当局称为可能是导弹碎片的物体严重损坏。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Israel hits Yemen capital Sana'a in strikes against Houthi militants



Walmart has said it is likely to miss a target it set to reduce planet-warming emissions by the end of the decade, blaming obstacles in energy policy, infrastructure and the availability of low-carbon technologies. 6park.com

沃尔玛(Walmart)表示,由于能源政策、基础设施和低碳技术可用性方面的障碍,该公司可能无法实现其在本十年末之前减少温室气体排放的目标。 6park.com

The US-based retailer is the world’s largest company by revenue, making it an influential corporate leader, but joins a range companies to have acknowledged they cannot meet their pledges. 6park.com

这家总部位于美国的零售商是全球收入最高的公司,使其成为一个有影响力的企业领袖,但它加入了一系列承认无法履行承诺的公司的行列。 6park.com

Walmart promised to cut greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations by 35 per cent in 2025 and 65 per cent in 2030, compared with the levels in 2015. But in an update published this week, Walmart said neither date appeared to be in reach and its progress was delayed. 6park.com

沃尔玛曾经承诺,以2015年的水平为基准,到2025年将其自身运营的温室气体排放量减少35%,到2030年减少65%。但在本周发布的更新中,沃尔玛表示,这两个目标日期似乎都难以实现,其进展已被推迟。 6park.com

——本文2024年12月20日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Walmart pushes back climate change targets

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