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金融时报 | 阿斯利康内部人士预计在华销售额将下滑
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-19 2:44 已读 7130 次  


AstraZeneca insiders expect sales dip in China after arrest of local boss

FTSE 100 group reportedly faces difficulties in selling drugs to Chinese hospitals. 6park.com


AstraZeneca’s sales in China have been hit by the arrest of its country head, say company insiders, as local hospitals shun purchasing drugs from the company.  6park.com

阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)内部人士称,中国区负责人被拘留一事对该公司在华销售额造成了冲击,因为当地医院不愿向该公司采购药品。 6park.com


Executives at the British pharmaceutical company expect to see an “evident” revenue hit in China in the wake of the arrest of its country president Leon Wang and several other senior executives, according to two people familiar with the matter. Sales of oncology products in particular — at the heart of Chinese authorities’ investigations — have been affected, the insiders said. 6park.com

据两名知情人士透露,这家英国医药公司的高管们预计,在中国区总裁王磊(Leon Wang)及另外几名高管被拘留后,在华营收将受到“明显”冲击。内部人士称,肿瘤药——中国有关部门正在开展的调查的重点——受到的影响尤其大。 6park.com


AstraZeneca declined to comment on the ongoing investigations, or to what extent they would affect its top line. 6park.com

阿斯利康拒绝就正在进行的调查以及这些调查会对其营收造成多大影响置评。 6park.com


The detention of China’s most prominent pharmaceutical executive has sent shockwaves through the industry. Wang’s arrest came after scores of senior hospital officials were detained as part of a wider anti-corruption campaign that Beijing says is targeting the egregious costs of medical care.  6park.com

中国最知名的药业高管被拘留一事给整个行业带来了冲击波。王磊出事之前,在北京方面声称以异常的医疗费用为调查目标的大规模反腐行动中,数十名医院高层领导被拘留。 6park.com


Wang’s arrest represents a dramatic reversal of fortunes for AstraZeneca in China, where it is the largest foreign drugmaker by sales. Wang had been celebrated by state media for his contributions to bolstering the domestic pharmaceutical and biotech sectors through start-up investments and building manufacturing capacity and research facilities.  6park.com

在中国,阿斯利康是销售额最大的外资药企,王磊被拘留标志着该公司在华前景陡然逆转。官媒曾称赞王磊通过投资初创公司、建设生产设施和研究机构,为国内医药行业和生物技术行业的发展做出了贡献。 6park.com


It is unclear at this stage how big a sales hit AstraZeneca will take, with the numbers coming in the company’s next financial report. But one executive told the Financial Times: “The sales impact is already very evident.” 6park.com

现阶段不清楚阿斯利康的销售额会受到多大冲击,相关数字将在该公司下一份财报中揭晓。但一位高管告诉英国《金融时报》:“销售额的影响已经非常明显。” 6park.com

AstraZeneca made $5.9bn in sales in China in 2023, 13 per cent of its total. Last month, it increased its full-year guidance for worldwide revenue and earnings growth. 6park.com

2023年阿斯利康在中国实现销售额59亿美元,占全球总销售额的13%。该公司在上月调高了全年全球营收及盈利增长指引。 6park.com


“Doctors are unwilling to interact with our salespeople and prescribe our medicines. They will say our company has had too many issues and will opt for other choices, particularly Chinese-made drugs,” the AstraZeneca executive added.  6park.com

“医生们不愿意和我们的销售代表打交道,不愿意开我们的药。他们会说,我们公司有太多问题,他们会选择开其他药物,尤其是国产药,”这位阿斯利康高管补充说。 6park.com


There are early signs that cancer drugs Tagrisso and Imfinzi have been particularly severely affected, they said. The company hopes that Enhertu sales could weather the crisis, according to one of the people familiar with its position, as it is considered the best drug on the market for certain types of breast cancer. 6park.com

他们说,从初步迹象看,泰瑞沙(Tagrisso)和英飞凡(Imfinzi)这两种抗癌药受到的影响尤其大。其中一位知情人士透露,该公司希望优赫得(Enhertu)的销售能够经受住这场危机,因为该药被认为是市面上治疗某些类型乳腺癌最好的药物。 6park.com


In recent financial reports, AstraZeneca has cited “strong uptake in China” following Enhertu’s commercial launch at the start of the year. Chinese authorities announced in late November — after Wang’s detention — that the drug would be included in the state health insurance scheme.  6park.com

在近期的财报中,阿斯利康指出,优赫得在年初获批新适应症后,“在中国应用强劲”。中国有关部门在11月底——也就是王磊被拘留之后——宣布该药将被纳入国家医保计划。 6park.com


Wang’s arrest caught AstraZeneca off guard. The UK leadership initially blamed the scandal on low-level employees in China, following news reports that several salespeople had been arrested for illegally importing cancer drug Imjudo. 6park.com

王磊被拘留让阿斯利康措手不及。起初,在有新闻报道称多名阿斯利康销售代表因涉嫌非法进口抗癌药曲美木单抗(Imjudo)而被拘留之后,英国管理层把这起丑闻归咎于中国的基层员工。 6park.com


Chief executive Sir Pascal Soriot, in an interview with Bloomberg News in September, said it only affected a “small number of employees” and that the company has “strong compliance policies”. 6park.com

阿斯利康首席执行官苏博科爵士(Sir Pascal Soriot)9月份在接受彭博新闻(Bloomberg News)采访时表示,事情只影响到“少数员工”,该公司有“健全的合规政策”。 6park.com


But then, in late October, Wang was arrested, as authorities started probing how much senior management knew about alleged wrongdoings about its sales practices. 6park.com

但是到了10月底,随着中国有关部门开始调查该公司高层对销售中的相关违规做法了解多少,王磊被拘留。 6park.com


“At first, Soriot thought it was just a few salespeople gone rogue out of several thousand. But he realised it was more complicated than that when Leon was detained,” said one person close to the chief executive.  6park.com

“起初,苏博科以为只是几千名销售人员中有几个人不守规矩。但当王磊被拘留时,他意识到事情要复杂得多。”一位接近这名首席执行官的人士表示。 6park.com


AstraZeneca leadership has received no formal explanation from Chinese authorities and has not been able to contact Wang, according to people familiar with the matter. The company has concluded that the probe is about Imjudo sales in China — where the drug is not approved — because authorities also detained AstraZeneca’s former head of oncology, Yin Min, who was in charge of the department during the alleged offences.  6park.com

据知情人士透露,阿斯利康领导层没有收到中国当局的正式解释,也无法联系王磊。阿斯利康得出的结论是,此次调查是针对曲美木单抗在中国的销售——该药物在中国未获批准——因为当局还拘留了阿斯利康前肿瘤部门主管殷敏,她在公司涉嫌违法期间担任该部门负责人。 6park.com


“We haven’t received any explanation. We can only guess that it is related to Imjudo because of the other people who have been implicated,” said one person.  6park.com

“我们没有收到任何解释。我们只能猜测这与曲美木单抗有关,因为还有其他人牵涉其中。”一名知情人士表示。 6park.com


Separately, AstraZeneca has also faced a public relations crisis after scores of salespeople were convicted over the past two years for medical insurance fraud. The courts found that they tampered with genetic test results to ensure lung cancer patients qualify for Tagrisso under a national insurance reimbursement scheme.  6park.com

阿斯利康还面临另一起公关危机:过去两年,数十名销售人员因医疗保险欺诈被定罪。法院发现,他们篡改了基因检测结果,以确保肺癌患者可以在国家医保报销计划下使用泰瑞沙。 6park.com


Shares in AstraZeneca are down more than 8 per cent since the company disclosed Wang’s detention in late October. 6park.com

自从阿斯利康10月底披露王磊被拘留以来,该公司股价已下跌逾8%。 6park.com


Emily Field, an analyst at Barclays, said investors were particularly shaken because they had known Wang, who participated in earnings calls. But now she believes there is consensus that there was an overreaction. “No one thinks AstraZeneca is going to get kicked out of China. Maybe they get a fine in the low-to-mid single-digit billions of dollars,” she said. 6park.com

巴克莱(Barclays)分析师埃米莉•菲尔德(Emily Field)表示,投资者尤其感到震惊,因为他们认识曾参加财报电话会议的王磊。但现在她认为,多数人觉得市场反应过度了。“没有人认为阿斯利康会被赶出中国。也许他们会被处以五十亿美元以内的罚款。” 6park.com

Rival FTSE 100 group GSK was fined £297mn by the Chinese authorities in 2014 after a bribery scandal. 6park.com

2014年,其竞争对手、另一家富时100指数(FTSE 100)成份股公司葛兰素史克(GSK)在一起贿赂丑闻后被中国当局罚款2.97亿英镑。 6park.com


AstraZeneca has appointed Iskra Reic to manage the China business through the crisis, who is seen by Pascal as a “troubleshooter”. When she ran Europe for AstraZeneca, she had to deal with a disgruntled EU over vaccine manufacturing problems during the Covid-19 crisis. Soriot sees her as someone he can trust and hopefully a “fresh face” in China, said the person close to the chief executive.  6park.com

阿斯利康已任命伊斯克拉•雷伊奇(Iskra Reic)在危机期间管理中国业务,苏博科将其视为“解决麻烦的人”。当她负责阿斯利康欧洲业务时,她不得不在新冠危机期间与对疫苗生产问题不满的欧盟打交道。接近苏博科的人士表示,他认为她是可以信任的人,有望成为在中国的“新面孔”。 6park.com


But company insiders in China have cast doubt on the ability of a foreign executive to navigate the political sensitivities during a period when the company is under such intense scrutiny from authorities.  6park.com

但中国公司的内部人士怀疑,在公司受到当局如此严格的审查时,一名外国高管是否有能力驾驭政治敏感性。 6park.com


Company insiders are concerned about whether it can return to business as usual. One said: “It is very difficult to see a way out of this for AstraZeneca.” 6park.com


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