华尔街日报 | 从特朗普内阁班底看他第二任期将如何施政
What Trump’s Cabinet Picks Tell Us About His Agenda
美国候任总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)组建的内阁成员间似乎意识形态各异,其中既有民粹主义者,也有富豪,既有传统保守派,也有极右翼颠覆者,甚至还有两名前民主党人。在华盛顿即将迎来新一届政府之际,或许可从这份不同寻常的内阁人选名单中一窥底气十足的特朗普计划如何在第二个任期内治国理政。 6park.com The cabinet that President-elect Donald Trump has assembled is a jumble of seemingly conflicting ideologies—populists and plutocrats, traditional conservatives and hard right disrupters, even a couple of former Democrats. As Washington braces for the incoming administration, the unconventional slate of nominees offers clues to how he plans to govern in an emboldened second term. 6park.com 拥护者表示,特朗普现在的内阁班底更能反映他本人不按常理出牌的意识形态冲动,以及他将这些冲动付诸实施的决心,远甚于第一个任期。同时,特朗普的内阁构成也折射出帮助他赢得权力、让他赢得普选的不同寻常的选民联盟,这个联盟背后是年轻选民和少数族裔选民历史性的右倾趋势。他身边的人士表示,特朗普决意在执政中体现这种多元化的选民基本盘。 6park.comFar more than his first tour in office, advocates say Trump has named a team that better reflects his own idiosyncratic ideological impulses—and his determination to execute on them. It is a reflection, as well, of the unusual coalition that brought him to power and enabled him to win the popular vote, driven by historic rightward shifts among young and minority voters. He is determined, those around him say, to govern in a way that reflects this diverse base of support. 6park.com 保守派倡导组织“美国转折点”(Turning Point USA)主席查理·柯克(Charlie Kirk)表示:“这个内阁更能代表美国大多数民众的世界观,远胜近年来任何一届内阁。” 6park.com“This cabinet is far more representative of the worldviews of the majority of the American body politic than any in recent memory,” said Charlie Kirk, president of Turning Point USA, a conservative advocacy group. 6park.com 6park.com据特朗普身边的人士透露,小罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)和图尔西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)等非常规人选尤其受到这位候任总统的青睐,因为他们代表了特朗普的广泛政治联盟,以及他改变共和党面貌的决心。小罗伯特·肯尼迪被提名为卫生与公众服务部长,图尔西·加巴德被提名为国家情报总监,两人都曾是民主党总统候选人。另外,虽然不那么引人关注,但特朗普的劳工部长人选、支持工会立法的共和党众议员洛里·查韦斯-德雷默(Lori Chavez-DeRemer)也体现了这一点。她的提名得到了国际卡车司机兄弟会(International Brotherhood of Teamsters)的支持,该工会主席肖恩·奥布莱恩(Sean O’Brien)曾在7月份的共和党全国代表大会上发表讲话。 6park.comUnconventional picks such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for health and human services secretary and Tulsi Gabbard for director of national intelligence—both former Democratic presidential candidates—are particularly dear to the president-elect, those around him say, because they represent his broad political coalition and his determination to change the face of the GOP. A lower-profile example is his pick for labor secretary, Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, a Republican who has supported pro-union legislation. Her nomination was supported by the Teamsters union, whose president, Sean O’Brien, spoke at the July Republican Convention.
一些传统保守派对此表示不安:前副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)称小罗伯特·肯尼迪在堕胎问题上的观点“令数以百万反对堕胎合法化的美国人深感担忧”,而前美国驻联合国大使妮基·黑利(Nikki Haley)最近抨击加巴德是“俄罗斯、伊朗、叙利亚、中国的同情者”。 6park.com Some traditional conservatives have expressed unease: Former Vice President Mike Pence has called Kennedy’s views on abortion “deeply concerning to millions of Pro-Life Americans,” while former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley recently assailed Gabbard as a “Russian, Iranian, Syrian, Chinese sympathizer.” 6park.com 然而,在支持者看来,这种非正统性恰是一种优势。柯克说,“特朗普总统重塑了选民基础”,他的内阁将反映这一点。“他吸引了民主党人、更年轻、更多元化的选民、工会、对外国战争持怀疑态度的人,同时也保留了共和党在移民和经济问题上的传统观点。” 6park.comTo supporters, however, the heterodoxy is a virtue. “President Trump remade the electorate,” said Kirk, and his cabinet will reflect that. “He brought in Democrats, he brought in younger, more diverse voters, labor unions, people skeptical of foreign wars, while also keeping traditional Republican views on immigration and the economy.” 6park.com 6park.com顾问们表示,同样重要的是,特朗普最近宣称,他不会邀请黑利、前国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)和前众议员迈克·罗杰斯(Mike Rogers)等鹰派人物,以及摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)首席执行官杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)在新政府担任职务。特朗普第一任期时的助手们仍然清楚地记得,当华尔街资深人士加里·科恩(Gary Cohn)和史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)尝试软化特朗普的强硬关税立场,以及约翰·博尔顿(John Bolton)等国家安全鹰派人士反对特朗普更加倾向于孤立主义的本能时,内部发生了多么激烈的冲突。 6park.comJust as significant, advisers say, are Trump’s recent pronouncements that he wouldn’t be offering positions to hawkish figures such as Haley, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Rep. Mike Rogers, or to JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive Jamie Dimon. Aides from Trump’s first term vividly recall the bruising internal conflicts as Wall Street veterans Gary Cohn and Steven Mnuchin tried to soften Trump’s lust for tariffs, or national-security hawks like John Bolton fought his more-isolationist instincts. 6park.com 批评人士则认为,这份名单上的人在他们将要管理的庞大部门中几乎没有专业知识。以特朗普挑选的联邦调查局(FBI)局长卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)为例,他对管理这个拥有3.8万名员工的机构几乎没有任何经验,而且他发誓要用该机构对付特朗普对手清单上的一长串名单。许多政府雇员担心,帕特尔和其他人将更多地扮演破坏者、而不是改革者的角色。但特朗普显然认为个人忠诚至关重要,而且在人们看来他也不是一个事无巨细的管理者,这意味着被任命者的意识形态愿景可能会非常重要。 6park.comCritics see a roster with little expertise in the vast departments they will be tasked with running. Take Kash Patel, Trump’s selection to direct the FBI—who has little experience with the 38,000-person agency and has vowed to use it to go after Trump’s long list of enemies. Many government employees fear he and others will be more saboteurs than reformers. But while Trump clearly views personal loyalty as paramount, he also isn’t considered a micromanager, meaning the appointees’ ideological vision is likely to matter greatly.
过渡团队发言人、即将上任的白宫新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)在一份声明中表示:“美国人民以压倒性优势再次选举特朗普为总统,赋予他兑现竞选承诺的授权,而他的内阁人选反映出他将对美国优先的重视。” 6park.com “The American people re-elected President Trump by a resounding margin giving him a mandate to implement the promises he made on the campaign trail—and his Cabinet picks reflect his priority to put America First,” transition spokeswoman and incoming White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. 6park.com 一些理念上的冲突似乎不可避免。例如,小罗伯特·肯尼迪已呼吁改革工业化农业,但特朗普提名的农业部长布鲁克·罗林斯(Brooke Rollins)曾在保守派智库工作,被大型农业利益集团视为可能的盟友。小罗伯特·肯尼迪及其“挚友”埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的环保主义可能会与特朗普任命的美国能源部、数个内政部门以及美国国家环境保护局负责人的化石燃料热忱发生冲突。查韦斯-德雷默对劳工友好的立场可能不会得到美国财政保守派人士的太多支持,比如财政部长提名人斯科特·贝森特(Scott Bessent)和即将上任的美国管理及预算办公室主任拉斯·沃特(Russ Vought)。 6park.comSome philosophical clashes appear inevitable. Kennedy, for example, has called for overhauling industrial farming, but Trump’s nominee for agriculture secretary, Brooke Rollins, is a veteran of conservative think tanks seen by big agricultural interests as a likely ally. The environmentalism of Kennedy and “first friend” Elon Musk might chafe against the fossil-fuel zeal of his appointees for the energy and interior departments as well as the Environmental Protection Agency. Chavez-DeRemer’s labor-friendly stances might not find much traction with fiscal conservatives such as Treasury secretary nominee Scott Bessent and Russ Vought, the incoming director of the Office of Management and Budget. 6park.com 在外交政策和国家安全领域,一些被提名人此前的言论听起来更像是特朗普煞费苦心想要封杀的“新保守主义者”,尤其是即将上任的国务卿、参议员卢比奥(Marco Rubio)和被提名为国防部长的皮特·赫格塞斯(Pete Hegseth)。近年来,两人对美国在全球角色的看法都更倾向于特朗普的立场,但一些“让美国再次伟大”(MAGA)的支持者怀疑他们是否值得信任。 6park.comSome nominees in the foreign-policy and national-security space once sounded more akin to the “neocons” Trump has taken pains to blacklist, notably the incoming secretary of state, Sen. Marco Rubio, and defense secretary-designate Pete Hegseth. Both have become converts to a more Trumpian view of America’s role in the world in recent years, but some in MAGA-world wonder whether they can be trusted.
“我认为参议员卢比奥在外交政策上的观点与特朗普总统或图尔西·加巴德截然不同,”具有自由市场倾向的美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的迈克尔·R·斯特兰(Michael R. Strain)说,“让国际卡车司机兄弟会挑选劳工部长可能与其他许多负责经济和国内政策官员的想法格格不入,而且我不认为斯科特·贝森特会认同特朗普总统的重商主义观点。除了对总统的忠诚之外,我真的看不出这里有什么统一的主题。” 6park.com “I think of Sen. Rubio as having quite different views on foreign policy than President Trump, or Tulsi Gabbard,” said Michael R. Strain of the free-market-oriented American Enterprise Institute. “Allowing the Teamsters to pick the secretary of labor is presumably at odds with many of the other economic and domestic policy officials, and I don’t think of Scott Bessent as a person who shares President Trump’s mercantilist views. I don’t really see a unifying theme here other than loyalty to the president.” 6park.com 在自由派观察人士看来,上述民粹主义言论不过是一种幌子,其核心是一个极度保守的团队。华盛顿经济政策智库Groundwork Collective的执行董事林赛·欧文斯(Lindsay Owens)说:“这只是一个共和党政府的一个极端版本。” 6park.comTo liberal observers, the populist rhetoric is nothing more than window dressing for what is at its core a sharply conservative team. “This is just an extreme version of a Republican administration,” said Lindsay Owens, executive director of the Groundwork Collective, a Washington-based economic policy think tank. 6park.com 她指出,即将上任的政府中亿万富翁和千万富翁比比皆是,而且特朗普和国会共和党人已经表示,他们将优先考虑企业减税和放松监管的议程。她认为,由马斯克和维维克·拉马斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)领导的新成立的非官方政府效率部(Department of Government Efficiency)的减支热情,已经在破坏特朗普不考虑改变社会安全福利(Social Security)和美国联邦医疗保险(Medicare)的承诺。 6park.comShe pointed to the prevalence of billionaires and multimillionaires in the incoming administration as well as the agenda of corporate tax cuts and deregulation that Trump and congressional Republicans have said they will prioritize. The zeal for cutting spending of the newly minted unofficial Department of Government Efficiency helmed by Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, she argued, is already undermining Trump’s promise not to consider changing Social Security and Medicare. 6park.com 欧文斯质疑,亿万富翁从未经历过贫困,他们怎么有资格管理为最贫困的美国人服务的政府项目?她说:“从内阁提名人是否会兑现特朗普在竞选期间对工薪阶层所做承诺的角度来看,他们显然不会。” 6park.comOwens questioned how billionaires could be qualified to administer government programs serving the poorest Americans when they have never experienced such deprivation. “From the perspective of whether the cabinet nominees are shaping up to deliver on the promises Trump made to the working class on the campaign trail, they are very evidently not,” she said. 6park.com 犹他州共和党籍参议员迈克·李(Mike Lee)指出,特朗普的大多数人选都是局外人,而不是那些会在饱受争议或丑闻困扰的机构中维持现状的官僚体制内人物。 6park.comSen. Mike Lee (R., Utah) noted that, rather than creatures of the bureaucracy who would preserve the status quo at agencies that have been rocked by controversy or scandal, most of Trump’s picks are outsiders. 6park.com “这个内阁甚至与特朗普第一届政府的内阁也有很大不同,”迈克·李说。“如果人们期望一位总统能真正改变现状并开启一个前所未有的变革和改革的时代,这就是内阁的样子。” 6park.com“This cabinet is very different even from the cabinet of the first Trump administration,” Lee said. “This is very much what a cabinet would look like if one expected a president to really shake things up and undertake an era of unprecedented change and reform.”