华尔街日报 | 炎症性衰老可能严重威胁你的健康

送交者: icemessenger [♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-16 8:06 已读 6811 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读

Inflammaging Is Chronic, Stealthy and Can Be a Serious Threat to Your Health


“炎症性衰老” (Inflammaging)听起来像是健康类公司抛出来的又一个营销套路。明智的做法是认真对待这种情况。

“Inflammaging” sounds like just another marketing buzzword wellness companies are throwing around. You would be wise to take the condition seriously.


A combination of inflammation and aging, the term describes a simmering form of inflammation—the immune system’s response to a perceived threat—that is chronic and low-grade, and builds stealthily as you age. It is associated with an increased risk of heart attack, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other conditions.


Inflammaging happens to everyone to some degree as we age, and some people don’t develop much. But scientists say we should pay closer attention. More research is showing the damage it can cause.


Researchers are studying potential drug treatments, and some doctors are pushing for more and better tests for chronic inflammation. Meanwhile, there are simple things you can do to fight inflammaging: exercise regularly, get enough sleep and eat a diet that is heavy on fruits and vegetables and light on red meat.

“炎症是所有慢性疾病的固有构成,”国家老龄化研究所(National Institute on Aging)的老年病学家兼科学主任路易吉·费鲁奇(Luigi Ferrucci)博士指出。他对发生在老年人身上的这一现象进行了近三十年的研究。

“Inflammation is an intrinsic component of all chronic disease,” said Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, a geriatrician and scientific director of the National Institute on Aging who has studied the phenomenon in aging people for nearly three decades.


“炎症性衰老”一词是由博洛尼亚大学(University of Bologna)退休免疫学教授克劳迪奥·费兰切斯基(Claudio Franceschi)博士在2000年的一篇论文中创造的。去年,科学家提议将慢性炎症添加到随着年龄增长而显现并可能加速衰老的生物学特征列表中,这个列表被称为“衰老的标志”。

The term “inflammaging” was coined by Dr. Claudio Franceschi, a retired professor of immunology at the University of Bologna, in a 2000 paper. Last year, scientists proposed adding chronic inflammation to a list of biological features that manifest with age and can accelerate it, dubbed the “hallmarks of aging.”


Inflammation isn’t inherently bad. It is the body’s natural way of protecting itself from harm. That can be helpful in fighting off a viral infection like Covid, or in healing a cut on the finger. It normally subsides once the healing is done.


Chronic inflammation also comes from the body trying to protect itself. But it doesn’t subside, and can harm rather than heal. People develop systemic inflammation as they age, as their bodies respond to substances or conditions they perceive as abnormal: a buildup of fat cells in the abdomen, for example.


One likely source of inflammaging is cellular senescence, when damaged aging cells stop dividing, build up and secrete inflammatory proteins.


Levels of chronic inflammation rise in people as they age, but people develop it at different ages and to different degrees. “In some people, it can start immediately even when you are a child. In other people you can stay at a very low level until age 70 or 80,” Franceschi said.



Studies show how important a role chronic inflammation plays in the biggest diseases of aging, both triggering and worsened by them.


“It’s a vicious cycle,” Ferrucci said. “Inflammation creates damage, and the damage in the tissue generates inflammation.”


High levels of inflammation have been linked to an increased risk of death from any cause—a seven times higher risk compared with those with the lowest levels of inflammation, according to one study examining blood samples from more than 160,000 patients.

慢性炎症水平较高的女性发生心脏病、中风或因心血管疾病而死亡的风险比炎症水平较低的女性高出70%,这是波士顿布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)的研究人员在8月份发表的另一项研究的结果。他们对上述女性进行了为期30年的跟踪观察。

Women with high levels of chronic inflammation had a 70% greater risk of a heart attack, stroke or death from a cardiovascular cause than those with low levels, according to a separate study published in August by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, who followed the women for 30 years.

“单单是炎症这一点就会带来巨大风险,”该研究的主要作者、布莱根妇女医院心血管疾病预防中心主任保罗·里德克(Paul Ridker)博士指出。“我们需要更早开始预防。”

“There’s tremendous risk with inflammation alone,” Dr. Paul Ridker, lead author of the study and director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at Brigham and Women’s. “We need to start prevention a lot earlier.”

慢性炎症也会导致阿尔茨海默症。多年来积聚在大脑中的斑块和缠结会引发慢性炎症反应,波士顿麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)麦坎斯脑部健康中心(McCance Center for Brain Health)主任鲁道夫·坦齐(Rudolph Tanzi)指出。

Chronic inflammation also drives Alzheimer’s disease. Plaques and tangles that build up over many years can trigger a chronic inflammatory response, said Rudolph Tanzi, director of the McCance Center for Brain Health at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.


▪ 大脑:认知衰退和阿尔茨海默症

▪ 癌症: 可导致突变,突变会激活肿瘤生长或削弱人体发现和消除癌细胞的能力

▪ 动脉粥样硬化: 动脉壁内脂肪沉积或斑块堆积,可导致动脉破裂并引发心脏病发作

▪ 骨质流失: 影响骨骼修复并导致骨质疏松

▪ 肾脏疾病: 损伤后,肾脏的自我修复能力会受损



Blood tests measure markers of inflammation such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and ferritin, but most can’t distinguish between temporary and prolonged inflammation. They also don’t pinpoint the source.

“你体内的炎症到底是因为你的关节炎还是因为你的肝病,或者是因为你患有多肌痛(一种自身免疫性疾病)?”克利夫兰诊所老年医学中心(Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Geriatric Medicine)部门主管阿尔德希尔·哈什米(Ardeshir Hashm)博士说。

“Is it because of your arthritis, or is it because of your liver disease, or is it because you have polymyalgia, an autoimmune sort of thing?” says Dr. Ardeshir Hashmi, section chief for Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Geriatric Medicine.


A team of researchers in the U.K. analyzed records from 160,000 patients who had received inflammatory marker tests. In roughly 85% of cases where patients had higher than normal markers, doctors found no evidence of infection or disease.


对症的药物必须在不阻断免疫系统的情况下抑制炎症。一些动脉粥样硬化患者或心血管疾病高危人群可以使用低剂量秋水仙碱治疗炎症,美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)已于2023年批准该药的这种用途。多年来,这种药物一直被用来治疗痛风(一种关节疼痛疾病)。

A drug has to tamp down inflammation without blocking the immune system. Some patients who have atherosclerosis or are at high risk of cardiovascular disease are treated for inflammation with a low-dose version of the drug colchicine, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2023 for that use. The drug has been used for years to treat gout, a joint-pain disease.

科研人员正在研究其他药物(包括GLP-1)是否可以降低炎症标志物。诺和诺德(Novo Nordisk)与杰特贝林(CSL Behring)正在心血管患者或高危人群当中测试潜在的抗炎药物。

Researchers are studying whether other drugs, including GLP-1s, can lower inflammatory markers. And Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring are testing potential anti-inflammatory medications in patients who have cardiovascular disease or are at high risk.


Some people have experimented with taking medications such as metformin and rapamycin to target inflammaging. Both drugs, approved by the FDA for other uses, have shown potential to target inflammaging, but more research in humans is needed.


Otherwise, the best ways to ward off inflammaging today? All the things you should be doing anyway: exercising consistently, not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and eating healthfully.


Some research suggests the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes nuts, whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables, is particularly protective against inflammation. Red meat, by contrast, promotes inflammation.


Most important for brain health is seven to eight hours of sleep a night, said Tanzi. The brain gets rid of amyloid that triggers inflammation then, he said.


“Every time you go from dreaming or REM to deep sleep, I call it a rinse cycle.”

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