华尔街日报 | 从福斯新闻到NBC,为何传统媒体纷纷涌向TikTok?

送交者: icemessenger [♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-16 2:30 已读 6690 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读

From Fox News to NBC, Legacy Media Wants In on TikTok


福斯新闻(Fox News)首席驻外记者Trey Yingst在特拉维夫、基辅或贝鲁特报道新闻时,已经形成了一套惯例:他清清嗓子,对着镜头,为本机构录制一段报道。然后,他拿起手机,为TikTok再录一段。

Fox News chief foreign correspondent Trey Yingst has his routine down when reporting from Tel Aviv, or Kyiv, or Beirut: He clears his throat, looks into the camera and records a segment for the news network. Then he reaches for his phone and records another for TikTok.


“By using social media, I’m able to connect with a younger audience that may not traditionally be watching cable news and get them interested in the stories that we’re telling,” said Yingst, who is 31.


Fox’s TV audience has a median age of 69. Yingst is mainly targeting those viewers’ children and grandchildren with his short selfie-style videos. He has more than 852,000 TikTok followers, nearly half as many as the cable network’s account.

传统媒体公司正面临一个严峻的现实:皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项分析显示,30岁以下的成年人中,有39%的人表示他们经常在TikTok上获取新闻。一些最大的新闻机构正尝试跟随这些受众进入该平台,以及其他拥有大量年轻粉丝的社交媒体,但可能难以通过其主要的品牌账号获得关注。TikTok用户主要是被那些有魅力的个人所吸引,而不管这些人背后的雇主是谁,甚至也不管他们是否为新闻机构工作。

Legacy media companies are facing a tough reality: 39% of adults under 30 say they regularly get their news on TikTok, according to a Pew Research Center analysis. Some of the biggest news outlets are trying to follow this audience onto the platform—and other social-media spots with large young followings—but can struggle to gain traction through their main branded accounts. TikTok users are drawn to engaging individuals, regardless of who employs them, or even whether they work for a news organization.

根据社交媒体研究公司CredoIQ的数据,10月和11月,美国排名前150位的政治类TikTok账号中,有88个是内容创作者。51个是《纽约时报》(New York Times)、MSNBC、福斯和美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)等新闻机构,其余则与候选人或政党有关联。

In October and November, 88 of the top 150 political TikTok accounts in the U.S. were content creators, according to data from CredoIQ, a social-media research firm. Fifty-one were publishers like the New York Times, MSNBC, Fox and CNN, while the rest were associated with candidates or political parties.

Trey Yingst通过TikTok报道乌克兰战争。

福斯新闻于6月入驻TikTok,正在利用Yingst、《福斯与朋友们》(Fox & Friends)联合主持人Ainsley Earhardt和资深驻白宫记者Peter Doocy等人才来触达该平台的年轻人。

Fox News joined TikTok in June and is tapping talent like Yingst, “Fox & Friends” co-host Ainsley Earhardt and senior White House correspondent Peter Doocy to reach young people there.

Doocy的一段视频曾获得240万次观看。在那段视频中,他要求白宫新闻秘书卡里娜·让-皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)评价,在副总统哈里斯(Kamala Harris)败选后,拜登(Joe Biden)和哈里斯之间关系的紧张程度。

One clip of Doocy asking the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to assess how awkward things were between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris after the vice president’s election loss garnered 2.4 million views.

福斯新闻的母公司福斯公司(Fox Corp.)与《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的母公司新闻集团(News Corp)拥有共同的所有权。

Fox News parent Fox Corp. and The Wall Street Journal’s parent company, News Corp, share common ownership.


Media companies are making bets on TikTok at a time when the future of the platform itself is in question. A federal appeals court earlier this month said Congress does have the power to shut down the Chinese-backed app, though that decision is likely to be appealed.


The platform doesn’t generate much ad revenue for publishers or news networks, but executives say it’s worth investing in as a longer-term play. Even if young adults aren’t signing up for TV packages or news services now, the companies believe they can cultivate them as future customers by engaging on TikTok.

南加州大学(University of Southern California)数字社交媒体硕士项目的副主任Freddy Tran Nager说:“当这些孩子有了好工作,或者他们想要更深入的信息时,只需点击一下鼠标,就可以订阅《华尔街日报》了。”

“When the kids have good jobs or they want deeper information, then a subscription to The Wall Street Journal is just a click away,” said Freddy Tran Nager, associate director of the digital social media master’s degree program at the University of Southern California.

NBCUniversal旗下的品牌则着重打造像NBC News全国政治记者史蒂夫·科纳奇(Steve Kornacki)以及《今日秀》(Today)联合主持人霍达·科特布(Hoda Kotb)和珍娜·布什·黑格(Jenna Bush Hager)这样的个人账号,他们凭借轻松愉快的名人访谈节目吸引了一批粉丝。NBC News在TikTok上发布了一段科纳奇分析特朗普(Donald Trump)为何在威斯康星州获胜、而该州却选出一名民主党人担任参议员的视频,获得了120万次观看。

NBCUniversal’s brands lean into personalities like NBC News national political correspondent Steve Kornacki, and “Today” co-hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager, who have gained a following for lighthearted celebrity interviews. An NBC News TikTok of Kornacki breaking down why Donald Trump won in Wisconsin while the state elected a Democrat as senator garnered 1.2 million views.

“如果你想接触年轻人,你不必成为乔·罗根(Joe Rogan)那样的人,”NBCUniversal News Group的首席数字官克里斯·贝伦德(Chris Berend)说。“我们已经证明,我们可以做自己,只要有鲜明的观点,就能接触到数亿人。”

“If you want to reach young people, you don’t have to be a version of Joe Rogan,” said Chris Berend, NBCUniversal News Group’s chief digital officer. “We’ve proven that we can reach hundreds of millions of people by being ourselves and just having distinctive voices.”

在CredoIQ 10月和11月的排行榜上,前150个政治TikTok账号中,MSNBC排名第三,仅次于特朗普团队和《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)的账号。NBC News排名第十。

MSNBC ranked third in CredoIQ’s ranking of the top 150 political TikTok accounts in October and November, behind the Trump team and the Daily Mail’s accounts. NBC News ranked 10th.


Berend said that personality-driven clips can play well on TikTok and said, “The mistake is when you assume that everything you produce on television could go on TikTok.”

《60分钟》(60 Minutes)栏目的记者莱斯利·斯塔尔(Lesley Stahl)最近在《哥伦比亚广播公司周日早间新闻》(CBS News Sunday Morning)节目中播出了一段报道,讨论帕金森氏症患者如何通过攀岩来应对症状。在一则播报该机构新闻的TikTok视频中,她对着镜头讲述了拳击是如何在她丈夫应对帕金森氏症的过程中帮助他的。这段视频获得了50万次观看。

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl recently had a piece on “CBS News Sunday Morning” discussing how Parkinson’s patients are tackling symptoms by rock climbing. For a CBS News TikTok, she spoke to the camera about how boxing helped her husband while he battled Parkinson’s. The video has garnered half a million views.

“我们知道,社交媒体算法和消费者已经开始更喜欢创作者内容的风格,而不是传统品牌内容的风格,”哥伦比亚广播公司新闻和电视台社交媒体和趋势内容副总裁克里斯蒂娜·卡帕蒂德斯(Christina Capatides)说。

“We know that social algorithms and consumers have come to prefer the style of creator content over the style of traditional brand content,” said Christina Capatides, vice president of social media and trending content for CBS News and stations.

本月早些时候,哥伦比亚广播公司新闻驻外记者拉米·伊诺森西奥(Ramy Inocencio)在伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow Airport)以及在飞往首尔的飞机上录制了一段TikTok视频,带着观众了解了韩国短暂实施戒严令的事件。这段视频吸引了330万次观看。

Earlier this month, CBS News foreign correspondent Ramy Inocencio recorded a TikTok while at London’s Heathrow Airport—and while on a plane to Seoul—taking viewers through South Korea’s brush with martial law. It attracted 3.3 million views.

“当你在看新闻的时候,他们是在读稿子,”家住密歇根州东南部、27岁的全职妈妈切尔西·切拉鲁(Chelsey Cheraru)说。“当你在看某人的TikTok直播,或者你在看某人的视频时,十有八九他们不是在读稿子。”

“When you’re on the news, they’re reading from a script,” said Chelsey Cheraru, a 27-year-old stay-at-home mom who lives in southeast Michigan. “When you’re on someone’s TikTok live or you’re watching someone’s video, nine out of 10 times they’re not reading a script.”

今年早些时候,在关注飓风“米尔顿”(Hurricane Milton)的相关新闻时,她开始使用TikTok,“想看看关于这场飓风的直播和真实反应,因为我觉得那才是真正的新闻”。

She turned to TikTok when following news of Hurricane Milton earlier this year, “to see people’s live and raw reactions to it because I feel like that’s real news.”

2024年大选后,史蒂夫·科纳奇在NBC News的TikTok账号里解析美国选举地图。

对于自2019年以来一直运营《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post) TikTok账号的戴夫·乔根森(Dave Jorgenson)来说,以有趣且引人入胜的方式吸引年轻观众是他首要考虑的问题。

Reaching young viewers in a fun and engaging way is top of mind for Dave Jorgenson, who has run the Washington Post’s TikTok account since 2019.

乔根森最近在一则短视频中同时扮演了《华盛顿邮报》的编辑委员会成员(身穿Polo衫,坐在电脑前)和老板杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)(身穿纽扣衬衫,领带松松垮垮),调侃老板在总统大选中不发表支持言论的争议性决定。

Jorgenson recently played both the Post’s editorial board (wearing a polo shirt, seated at a computer) and owner Jeff Bezos (button-down shirt, loose necktie) for a clip riffing on the owner’s controversial decision not to run an endorsement in the presidential election.


Jorgenson pulled language from the Washington Post article on the matter, explaining why billionaires like Bezos might be concerned about retribution from Trump.


“I know exactly where the line is as far as humor goes,” he said. “I really try to go up to it without going over it.”


At the New York Times, recent TikTok posts include clips about the renovated Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, a fashion editor discussing the most stylish people of 2024 and part of Jeff Bezos’ interview at the DealBook Summit.

《纽约时报》受众总监安娜·杜班科(Anna Dubenko)说:“我们的策略是,做自己,但在我们想接触到人们的所有地方都要做自己,而不是刻意迎合某个特定平台。”

“The strategy is, be ourselves but in all the places that we want to reach people and not bend over backward to make things that only work for a particular platform,” said Anna Dubenko, the Times’s director of audience.


Dubenko said the Times doesn’t explicitly encourage or train reporters to share their work on the platform.


The Wall Street Journal said it is working to engage younger audiences across platforms, including on TikTok. Its videos mainly feature reporters breaking down their stories on topics ranging from Trump’s plans to remake the education system to the declining value of credit card points.


Nager, from USC, said he likes to see individuals highlighted in the posts.


“You can’t just repurpose content from, say, your newspaper website and just bring it over to TikTok and hope it’ll have the same impact,” he said. “I would say that all these news organizations need to add a face to the brand.”

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