日本“僵尸债”能否起死回生 | 经济学人财经

送交者: 不知笔名 [☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2024-09-04 20:45 已读 8200 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读

Can Japan’s zombie bond market be brought back to life?


Ueda Kazuo begins on a dangerous mission


Visitors to Tokyo in the 1990s arrived in a city that looked like the future. A megalopolis of high-rise buildings, neon lights and new technology left a mark on those who witnessed it. But the city has not changed all that much since. Today some travelers joke that Tokyo still looks like a vision of the future—just one planned in 1990.


Something similar is going on with Japan’s monetary policy. The country’s central bank experimented with zero interest rates and asset purchases a full decade before its peers in the West got in on the act after the global financial crisis of 2007-09. Today, however, Japan looks like a vision of the monetary past. Central banks elsewhere have begun to reduce their asset piles. The Bank of Japan’s hoard still sits at record levels.


Ueda Kazuo, its governor, says that he wants to allow financial markets to set long-term interest rates again, after theboj tried for years to control yields on Japan’s ten-year government bonds. This will not happen anytime soon. According to plans announced in July, the bank will still be purchasing assets worth ¥2.9trn ($20bn) a month by March 2026, four years after the Federal Reserve’s purchases came to an end. On August 23rd Mr Ueda was forced to reiterate to Japanese parliamentarians that the central bank does indeed plan to sell its holdings, eventually.

日本央行多年来一直尝试控制十年期政府债券的收益率,但近来日本央行行长植田和男(Ueda Kazuo)表示希望将长期利率的主导权重新交回金融市场。该政策不会立刻生效。根据7月公布的计划,到2026年3月,即美联储停止回购债券四年后,日本央行仍将每月购买2.9万亿日元(约200亿美元)的资产。8月23日,植田和男不得不向国会重申,日本央行确实有最终出售所持资产的打算。

The achingly slow pace of change reflects the profound risks, both to Japan’s financial institutions and to the government’s fiscal health. Over the past dozen years theboj’s bond-buying campaign, which was introduced in an attempt to reverse two decades of economic stagnation, has outstripped those of other central banks by a mile. All told, the bank’s assets now run to 126% of Japan’s gdp, more than five times those of the Fed as a share of America’s output. The boj owns more than half of outstanding Japanese government bonds.



Outstrip:to go faster or farther than

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/outstripThis has had the effect of putting the private sector to sleep. Before the boj’s more aggressive bond purchases began in 2013, depository institutions (mostly commercial banks) owned 40% of Japan’s government bonds. Today they own less than 10%. In a regular survey by the central bank, bond traders moan about market liquidity and the scarcity of particular securities. Over the past decade a large majority of respondents has continued to report that the market functions poorly.



Put to sleep: to give (a sick or injured animal) drugs that will make it die without pain

Source:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/put%20to%20sleepYet despite investors’ complaints about the scarcity of bonds, enticing them to replace the boj will be tough. The maths of the bond market means that when yields are very low, long-term securities are vulnerable to large price moves even if yields rise by just a little—something known as “duration risk”. For this reason, banks face regulatory limits on how much long-dated debt they can buy, so as to avoid blow-ups like the one that last year brought down America’s Silicon Valley Bank. A study by the Japan Centre for Economic Research, a think-tank, suggests that these rules would limit private-sector bond purchases to ¥100trn, or less than a fifth of the boj’s holdings.

然而,尽管投资者抱怨债券稀缺,但要引诱他们吃下日本央行的份额仍然困难重重。债券市场的数学原理表明,当收益率极低时,即使收益率仅小幅上升,长期证券的价格也可能大幅波动,这被称为“久期风险”。因此,银行在购买长期债务时受到监管限制,以免出现硅谷银行倒闭一样的爆雷事件。智库日本经济研究中心(Japan Centre for Economic Research)的一项研究表明,这些规则将限制私营部门的债券购买量至100万亿日元,即不到日本央行持有量的五分之一。


1.Duration risk: 久期概念最在是马考勒在1938年提出的,所以又称马考勒久期。久期的主要价值在于它是衡量利率风险的直接方法,久期越长,利率风险越大。

Source: https://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E4%B9%85%E6%9C%9F

2.blow-ups: a catastrophic financial failure or collapse

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blowupMore attractive prices would help bring back buyers. Japan’s ten-year bonds currently offer yields of around 0.9%. By the boj’s own estimate, its bond holdings depress yields on long-term government bonds by just under a percentage point. A return of more like 2% would certainly appeal to a far greater pool of potential investors. Rising yields would also increase the number of bonds that Japanese banks could buy under the same interest-rate regulations, because violent price moves would be less likely.


But such an increase in yields would introduce another threat. Japan’s vast bond market reflects the government’s huge debt, which was accumulated while interest rates were low and falling. A doubling of the average interest rate on government bonds, from 0.8% to just 1.6%, would raise interest payments to 17% of Japan’s government budget. That would be up from less than 9% today and an amount equivalent to half the state’s social-security spending.


Any attempt to bring the bond market back to life at a faster pace would, therefore, become a political nightmare, necessitating swingeing spending cuts or hefty tax rises. At the same time, however, proceeding at a glacial pace carries its own costs, not least that it leaves theboj incapacitated in the event of another downturn, because officials would struggle to launch an aggressive bond-buying campaign. There are, in short, no good options for Japan’s central bankers. The country represents a cautionary tale from the monetary past.


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