
送交者: 石壁居士 [♂★★★声望勋衔13★★★♂] 于 2020-01-07 14:45 已读 664 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读


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《翅膀上的诺言》 Promises On The Wings - The story of Malena and Klepetan


如果飞翔是一种天性 If flying is an instinct 玛莲娜,玛莲娜 Malena,Malena 我替你唤醒那远方的黎明 I'll call up for you the distant dawn in the morning 你替我看护这思念的穹顶 And you'll take care for me this rooftop of my longing

如果守望是心中选定 If holding out is what your heart has determined 玛莲娜,玛莲娜 Malena,Malena 你的眼睛是夜空的北极星 Then your eyes are my north star in the dark sky 我的翅膀挂满温柔的叮咛 And my wings are loaded with your tender reminds

依依不舍的路上我频频回首 On my reluctant voyage I keep back-looking 没有你的飞行都是流浪 Without you my flight is but a wandering 寂寥的夜里想起你眼神的温暖 In the lonely nights, I have this warm gaze from your eyes 你受伤的翅膀上,有我为你飞翔的诺言 On your wounded wings, you have my promises of my flight

啊...... 玛莲娜 Oh..... Malena

如果守望是心中选定 If holding out is what your heart has determined 玛莲娜,玛莲娜 Malena,Malena 你的眼睛是夜空的北极星 Then your eyes will be my north star in the dark sky 我的翅膀挂满温柔的叮咛 And my wings are loaded with your tender reminds

冰雪初融的路上我归心似箭 My homecoming heart shoots out when the first melt of snow starts 你熟悉的呼唤就是家园 Your familiar calls are the home of my heart 寂寥的长空想起你不觉得孤单 Thoughts of you in the vast lonely sky I feel accompanied 我飞翔的翅膀上,有你为我坚守的诺言 For on my wings there's these promises for me you persist

啊...... 玛莲娜,玛莲娜,玛莲娜 Oh..... Malena, Malena, Malena

贴主:石壁居士于2020_01_07 14:52:12编辑

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