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加州派服刑人员救火,$5 per day,cheap labor,双赢💯
送交者: gaotyuan2[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2025-01-12 7:19 已读 3828 次  


Many of the firefighters working around the clock on the raging wildfires in Los Angeles are incarcerated. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation told CNN that as of Friday, nearly 1,000 inmates have been working to stop the fires. 6park.com

Depending on skill, these inmates earn between $5.80 and $10.24 per day during an emergency. Cal Fire also pays the crew members an additional $1 per hour. They work a 24-hour shift, and the least skilled crew member earns at least $26.90 per day.

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