很多新设计,完全是哗众取宠,给用户增加的是烦恼甚至是生命危险。比如这个把手。 6park.comTesla Model 3 handles are stylish but can freeze shut in cold temperatures 6park.com 6park.comBy Georgina TorbetFebruary 3, 2019 SHAREThe Tesla Model 3 is undoubtedly a high-tech vehicle, with futuristic features built in an elaborate and innovative construction process. But owners of the cars who are currently living through the polar vortex-induced cold are having a rather old fashioned problem — the door handles are freezing in place.
On Twitter, complaints abound from Model 3 owners who are having trouble accessing their cars. The Model 3 has an elegant retractable door handle which sits flush with the body of the car until it is activated. Usually, owners don’t need to worry as the handles open automatically when the driver approaches the door. Alternatively, you can push on the edge of the handle to open it. However, due to the freezing conditions across much of the U.S., lots of people are finding that their handles are frozen shut.
The Model 3 handles should open when gently pushedMiles Branman/Digital TrendsTwitter user Andrea Falcone posted a picture of her Model 3 door handle covered in ice, looking like something you wouldn’t want to touch in terribly cold temperatures. And user “sa ra” posted a short video showing the door handles on both sides of her Model 3 failing to open, even when pushed. A different but related problem was reported by Jason Stoll, who reported that he could open his Model 3 doors and get into the car, but then he couldn’t get the doors to close, leaving his car essentially unusable.