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送交者: eachus[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2019-08-27 11:19 已读 1380 次  


1)俄国Rostec集团为客户向波音定了35架737 MAX, 并已经支付了波音3500万美元定金。
3) 俄国Rostec集团把波音告上法庭,要求取消订单和巨额罚款
4) 理由是俄国Rostec集团已经损失了利润7500万美元, 客户的损失1.15亿美元, 无法执行合约赔偿客户几个亿美元。 6park.com

这一条消息是说35架飞机订单除了归还定金,另外得赔偿客户5-6亿美元或更多巨额索赔。 波音一共有5000架这样的订单。。。。如果延期够长的话,赔偿是天大的问题。。。。 6park.com


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russias-rostec-confirms-unit-filed-053122393.html 6park.com

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russias-rostec-unit-ready-court-094334158.html 6park.com

MOSCOW, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Russian conglomerate Rostec confirmed its subsidiary has filed a lawsuit in the United States to cancel its order for 35 Boeing 737 MAX jets, a company representative said on Tuesday. 6park.com

(路透社) - 俄罗斯企业集团Rostec证实其子公司已在美国提起诉讼,取消其35架波音737 MAX喷气式飞机的订单,该公司代表周二表示。 6park.com


According to the Financial Times, which first reported about the lawsuit, Rostec's subsidiary Avia Capital Service said it gave Boeing a cash deposit of $35 million and secured the order of 35 737 MAX jets. 6park.com

根据首次报道该诉讼的英国“金融时报”,Rostec的子公司Avia Capital Service表示,它已经向波音公司提供了3500万美元的定金,并获得了35架737 MAX喷气式飞机的订单。 6park.com


The subsidiary now wants the amount to be returned with interest, along with $75 million in "lost profit" and about $115 million in compensatory damages, plus "several times the amount" in punitive damages, the FT report said. (Reporting by Gleb Stolyarov; writing by Anton Kolodyazhnyy, Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips) 6park.com

据英国“金融时报”报道,该子公司现在希望波音归还定金和利息,另外加上7500万美元的“利润损失”补偿和约1.15亿美元的赔偿损失(延期客户生意?),加上“数倍”的惩罚性赔偿金(无法向客户执行合同的罚款)。 (Gleb Stolyarov报道; Anton Kolodyazhnyy撰写,Sherry Jacob-Phillips编辑) 6park.com

A spokesman for Avia Capital Service told Reuters that delivery of the jets was first scheduled for October 2019 but was moved to March 2022. The Rostec unit had paid Boeing a deposit and was suffering losses from non-delivery, he said.
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