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Demons by Imagine Dragons (曾经无限循环的一首歌)
送交者: 雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓[☆★乡下土孩纸★☆] 于 2019-02-16 10:12 已读 5133 次 12 赞  



Demons 6park.com

Imagine Dragons 6park.com

When the days are cold 6park.com

And the cards all fold 6park.com

And the saints we see 6park.com

Are all made of gold 6park.com

When your dreams all fail 6park.com

And the ones we hail 6park.com

Are the worst of all 6park.com

And the blood’s run stale 6park.com

I want to hide the truth 6park.com

I want to shelter you 6park.com

But with the beast inside 6park.com

There’s nowhere we can hide 6park.com

No matter what we breed 6park.com

We still are made of greed 6park.com

This is my kingdom come 6park.com

This is my kingdom come 6park.com

When you feel my heat 6park.com

Look into my eyes 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

Don’t get too close 6park.com

It’s dark inside 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

When the curtain’s call 6park.com

Is the last of all 6park.com

When the lights fade out 6park.com

All the sinners crawl 6park.com

So they dug your grave 6park.com

And the masquerade 6park.com

Will come calling out 6park.com

At the mess you made 6park.com

Don’t want to let you down 6park.com

But I am hell bound 6park.com

Though this is all for you 6park.com

Don’t want to hide the truth 6park.com

No matter what we breed 6park.com

We still are made of greed 6park.com

This is my kingdom come 6park.com

This is my kingdom come 6park.com

When you feel my heat 6park.com

Look into my eyes 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

Don’t get too close 6park.com

It’s dark inside 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

They say it's what you make 6park.com

I say it's up to fate 6park.com

It's woven in my soul 6park.com

I need to let you go 6park.com

Your eyes, they shine so bright 6park.com

I want to save their light 6park.com

I can't escape this now 6park.com

Unless you show me how 6park.com

When you feel my heat 6park.com

Look into my eyes 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

Don’t get too close 6park.com

It’s dark inside 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com

It’s where my demons hide 6park.com


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