
送交者: 紫贝壳 [♀中书令★★★♀] 于 2015-09-18 21:10 已读 460 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读
回复: 始作俑者 XcodeGhost作者现身微博 公开源码 由 紫贝壳 于 2015-09-18 21:02


We are writing to notify you that your app has been removed from the App Store because it was compiled with a counterfeit version of Xcode, infecting the app with malware. Apps built with these counterfeit tools may cause harm to your customers.

Please download a copy of Xcode directly from the Apple Developer Portal - https://developer.apple.com/xcode/download/, and then recompile and resubmit this app for review. Copies of Xcode downloaded directly from Apple are verified to not contain malicious code, and include the most up-to-date tools and libraries that Apple offers.            

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