
送交者: 笑鸠 [♂★★★声望勋衔14★★★♂] 于 2025-01-18 13:29 已读 12437 次 1赞 大字阅读 繁体阅读

Chernobyl : Stray dogs don’t suffer from mutations despite high level of radiation

1d • 1 min read
Chernobyl : Stray dogs don’t suffer from mutations despite high level of radiation© © Pixabay

Researchers have found that stray dogs living in the Chernobyl exclusion zone have not experienced genetic mutations, despite prolonged exposure to high radiation levels.

Following the 1986 nuclear plant explosion in the USSR, towns surrounding the site were evacuated. Nearly 40 years later, nature has reclaimed much of the area, even as radiation levels remain significant.

贴主:笑鸠于2025_01_18 13:31:20编辑

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