Hybrid cars are generally more durable and can last longer than gas-powered cars
回答: 中型SUV,比亚迪混动价格对标丰田Rav4混动,现代圣达菲混动 由 明日之星 于 2024-09-28 0:01
Hybrid cars are generally more durable and can last longer than gas-powered cars: Workload distribution Hybrids combine an electric motor and a combustion engine to reduce wear and tear on both components. The electric motor handles low-speed acceleration and city driving, while the gas engine is used for highway driving. Fewer issues Hybrids have 26% fewer issues than gas-powered cars, according to Consumer Reports. 6park.com我的一部普锐斯也证明了这一点,开了40多万公里,极少有故障, 燃油车常见的故障,例如发电机坏,启动马达坏,传动皮带坏,冷却风扇坏,对燃油车都是严重问题,轻则车子动不了,重则影响安全,混动车无这些部件所以没有这些问题。