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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2022-10-18 18:25 已读 2159 次  


墙内外一样偷偷删留言。(墙外的更诡秘,换个账号才发现被删了) 6park.com

这个世界,或者说人类,肯定是疯了。这是一种有组织的疯狂,以理念的标准化为根本的武器。(为战争做的准备比战争本身更糟糕)看看最近的新闻,全球自然环境如此恶化,居然还在核电厂附近打个没完没了,国际社会(大国)不忙于调停,而忙于准备彼此间更大的战争(放任甚至怂恿网民间的舆论战)。北极融化成了富翁们再一次发财的机会。各国百姓的注意力不在诸如贫富差距急剧扩大的问题上,(官家资本的垄断更恶劣,因为更难监督),似乎持相反立场的网民更可恶可恨(可笑的事,那对面的或许只是droids而已)。(所谓富的越富,穷的越穷,是相对而言。由于科技的发展,穷的未必感觉自己越穷了,尤其是真正富的1%不在其视野之内,而10%常常误以为自己是1%,也不知道自己相对而言更穷了。即便是知道社会机制有问题,首先想的往往也是有什么空子或门路可钻。适应而不是改变环境,或许真是一种本能。) 6park.com

这事人人有份。从根本上来说,每一个成年人都疯了,只是程度不同而已。这源于“自我意识陷阱”。有了个我(或许是第一个被标准化的概念),反而找不到自己了(因为看不见摸不着,或者就是不可知的,而在潜意识里迷失了自己),难免发狂。 6park.com

人人都有一样的心镜,如同平板电视,或如同联通同一互联网的平板电脑屏。(在这一点上,人人平等,超脱于其他各类不均。一台演《合家欢》的电视不会因此比播放《独行侠》的卖得更贵。) 6park.com

我们的视觉中从来只有平面,立体是我们基于笔直的逻辑(墙角那三条线)推想出来的。(宇宙实际到底是几维并不重要,反正已经证实空间实际是弯曲的,不是笔直的。)也就是说,如果你认定自己活在3d的世界里,那么就是被illusion给洗脑了。 6park.com

对象化思维(镜像对立、能所对立、心物对立、我与非我的对立),是自我意识建立的基础。 6park.com

然而更重要的“镜”,或者说更重要的背景/基础,是记忆相(时间相,相续相) 6park.com

然而,被记忆的不是记忆者,所见所闻所显不是能见能闻能显,就如同电视机原理与电视剧剧情无关。 6park.com

我不是宗教徒(包括佛教或禅宗),我不认为有人能够见到所谓的真相或本来面目。却很容易被各种新奇或难得的梦境(同样是表象)给带偏了。(换了个梦,多了个频道,包括剥开洋葱看见个空,不等于醒了)不用显摆或引诱了,你们哪知道我见过什么。见了我也没跪下。 6park.com

我从小学高年级,大约自我意识比较明确后,就开始焦虑,表现为神经性皮炎。药物无效,这里好了,那里又开始了。这更多地属于心理疾病。我现在分析,这是我对“自己就是这具身体”不放心,要通过抓挠,确定身体还在,我还在。不管老师医生或警察,这些权威怎么认定,我们潜意识(乃至集体潜意识,集体无意识)另有看法。 6park.com

甚至于可以说,每个人的心底都有个疯子,有了个我反而失去自我(因为看不到摸不着,或者说就是不可知的,而在潜意识里自以为失去了自我),以至于要头外觅头,骑驴找驴,紧张焦虑忙碌,乃至抑郁或疯狂。这要比什么童年阴影或性压抑要根本得多也普遍得多。 6park.com

烦恼乃至痛苦主要来自(对电视剧剧情的)执着与(对电视机原理的)妄想,而不是来自外部世界。这本该是常识。但是与其怪自己,人们更愿意归结于“隔壁的部落吃得太多”“他抢了我的(自古以来就有的)地盘”之类的理由。几千年了,没有进步,甚至更疯狂了,或者说更盲目了。为了适应环境,成为各自战争机器上一颗合格的螺丝钉,人们失去了质疑的能力(即便有被反洗成对方阵营的,也总不过是从一个极端走向另一个极端)。没有质疑,人云亦云,或为了反对而反对,是谈不上什么独立思考的。(例如,敌人的敌人怎么就一定是朋友?顶多是暂时的盟友)如今的人类更依赖社会,(更习惯于被推送信息,更容易接受思想或理念被标准化),没有进化,只有退化。(为战争做的准备比战争本身更糟糕)再例如,我从来也没见过有人质疑三体或灭霸的逻辑,似乎流行就证明了其正确。请问:既然能量守恒,不生不灭,不增不减,何来消耗?何况生命也是一种能量,不可能无中生有,怎么无限繁殖?就如同宇宙飞船的速度或动能也必然有上限一样(估计就是光速) 6park.com

我不知道人们为什么要只恨或只怕自己的带头大哥不够流氓?真的有必要如此焦虑吗? 6park.com

我们短缺的不是能源,而是关于新能源的新知识新技术。而理念的标准化,文化的单调乏味对于创新是极不利的。有两种文明,或文明的两个方面,一个是集中力量打胜仗,以城墙或凯旋门为标志,另一个是分工协作,以市场或广场为标志(东方也有,如清明上河图)。后者的好处是趋向复杂多样,而不是单调乏味,但必须认真反垄断,包括各种名义下的垄断。 6park.com

1%未必有阴谋,但达成默契演互斗戏是不难的。洗脑的常常先把自己给洗了。玩火就要准备面对骑虎难下弄假成真。 靠税收改革解决不了贫富差距,包括来自税收的福利,因为垄断、尤其是不受监督的官营垄断,不受供需关系控制,一切税都可以转嫁给消费者。必须认真地反垄断,不能有两家在垄断就不算垄断了,例如可以强行要求麦当劳或肯特基必须包养隔壁的小店或路边摊。鼓励分家,禁止合并。大品牌不得做广告,小的可以免费做。等等等等。实践的胜利检验出的也可以是一团好狗屎运。在上的未必真行,不在上的未必不行。 6park.com


They surreptitiously delete my messages both inside and outside the GFW. (The ones outside the wall are even more secretive, only to find out they've been deleted when I change accounts) 6park.com

The world, or humanity, must be insane. It's an organised madness, with the standardisation of ideas as the underlying weapon. (The preparation for war is worse than the war itself) Look at the recent news, the global natural environment is so degraded that there is an endless fight near nuclear power plants, and the international community (the big powers) is not busy mediating but preparing for a bigger war between each other (indulging or even encouraging a war of opinion among the netizens). The Arctic meltdown has become another opportunity for the rich to get richer. Instead of the people of each country focusing on issues such as the dramatic widening of the gap between rich and poor, (the monopoly of state-owned capital is worse because it is harder to monitor), it seems that netizens who take the opposite position are more odious and hateful (funny thing, that opposite is probably just droids). (The claim that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is a relative one. Thanks to technology, the poor don't necessarily feel poorer, especially since the really rich 1% are out of their view and the 10% often mistakenly think they are the 1% and don't realise they are relatively poorer. Even when they are aware that there is something wrong with the social mechanism, the first thing they often think about is what loopholes or gateways there are to exploit. (It is perhaps really an instinct to adapt rather than change circumstances.) 6park.com

This is a thing which involve everyone. Essentially, every adult is crazy, just to a different degree. This stems from the 'ego trap'. Having an I (perhaps the first concept to be standardised) and not being able to find yourself (losing yourself subconsciously because you can't see and touch or are just unknowable), you inevitably go mad. 6park.com

Everyone has the same mental mirror, like a flat screen TV, or like a flat screen connected to the same internet. (In this, everyone is equal, beyond all other kinds of inequality. A TV playing "Family Guy" will not therefore sell for more than one showing "The Lone Ranger".) 6park.com

We have only a flat picture in our vision; three-dimensionality is something we deduce based on straight logic (those three lines in the corner of your house). (It doesn't matter how many dimensions the universe actually is; it's been proven that space is actually curved, not straight, anyway.) In other words, if you insist that you live in a 3d world, then you are brainwashed by illusion. 6park.com

Objectified thinking (the mirror/image opposition, the mind/object opposition, the I/non-I opposition) is the basis on which self-awareness is built. 6park.com

But the more important "mirror", or the more important background/foundation, is the memory (temporal sense, successive sense) 6park.com

However, what is remembered is not the rememberer, and what is seen and heard is not what can see and hear, just as the principle of television is not relevant to the plot of a television series. 6park.com

I am not a religious person (including Buddhism or Zen) and I don't think anyone can see the so-called truth or the true oneself. Yet it is easy to be carried away by various novel or rare dreams (again, appearances). (A change of dream, an additional channel, including peeling back an onion and seeing an empty one, is not the same as waking up.) No need to show off or seduce, how do you know what I have seen. I didn't fall to my knees when I saw it. 6park.com

I have had anxiety since upper primary school, around the time my sense of self became clearer, and it manifested as neurodermatitis. The medication didn't work, it got better here and started again there. It was more of a psychological illness. In my current analysis, it was a case of me not being sure that "I was this body" and scratching to make sure that the body was still there and that I was still there. Regardless of what the authorities, teachers, doctors or police officers, may think, our subconscious (or even the collective subconscious, the collective unconscious) thinks otherwise. 6park.com

One might even say that there is a madman in everyone's mind, and that with a me one loses oneself instead (because one cannot see and touch, or is just unknowable, and subconsciously thinks one has lost oneself), to the extent that one has to search for one's head outside the head, ride a donkey, get stressed and anxious and busy, and even get depressed or mad. This is much more fundamental and widespread than any childhood shadows or sexual repression. 6park.com

The worries and even the pain come mainly from the obsession (with the plot of the TV show) and the delusion (about the principles of the TV set), not from the outside world. This should be common sense. But instead of blaming oneself, people prefer to blame it on "the tribe next door eats too much" or "he's stealing my territory (which has been there since the beginning of time)" or whatever. Thousands of years on, no progress, even more madness, or more blindness. People have lost the ability to question in order to adapt to their environment and become a competent screw in their respective war machines (even those who have been backwashed into the other side have always gone from one extreme to the other). There is no such thing as independent thinking without questioning, or opposing for the sake of opposing. (For example, how can the enemy of an enemy be a friend? At best, they are temporary allies.) Human beings today are more dependent on society, (more accustomed to being pushed information and more receptive to having ideas or concepts standardised) and there is no evolution, only degeneration. (The preparation for war is worse than the war itself) Then again, for example, I have never seen anyone question the logic of the Trinity or the Exterminators, it seems that popularity justifies its correctness. May I ask: if energy is conserved, not born, not increased, not decreased, how can it be consumed? Besides, life is also a form of energy, it cannot be created from nothing, so how can it reproduce infinitely? Just as there must be an upper limit to the speed or kinetic energy of a spaceship (presumably the speed of light) 6park.com

I don't know why people should only hate or only fear that their lead brother is not rogue enough? Is there really a need to be so anxious? 6park.com

It's not energy we are short of, it's new knowledge and new technology about new energy sources. And the standardisation of ideas and the monotony of culture is extremely detrimental to innovation. There are two civilisations, or two aspects of civilisation, one which concentrates on winning battles, marked by walls or triumphal arches, and the other which divides labour and collaboration, marked by markets or squares (also in the East, as in the case of the Qingming Shanghe). The latter has the advantage of tending towards complexity and variety rather than monotony, but must be seriously anti-monopolistic, including under various names. 6park.com

There may not be a conspiracy among the 1%, but it is not difficult to reach a tacit agreement to act out a mutual fight. The brainwashed often wash themselves first. If you play with fire, you must be prepared to face a tiger riding a tiger and making a falsehood. Tax reform will not solve the gap between the rich and the poor, including welfare from taxation, because monopolies, especially unmonitored government monopolies, are not controlled by supply and demand and all taxes can be passed on to consumers. There must be serious anti-monopolies, and no two monopolies are considered monopolies just because they are in existence. For example, McDonald's or Kentucky could be forced to underwrite the small shop or roadside stall next door. Encourage separation and prohibit mergers. Big brands are not allowed to advertise and small ones can do it for free. And so on and so forth. The triumphant test of practice can also be a ball of good shit luck. Those on top may not really work, those not on top may not not work.
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