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Child abuse suspect on its way
送交者: Qiqi09171[♀★12★♀] 于 2021-01-29 22:40 已读 1017 次  


In June 2020, a 9-year-old boy in South Korea was suspected to be afraid of telling the truth because the game console was broken. He was locked in his suitcase by his stepmother for 7 hours. He was not sent to the doctor until the boy was found to have cardiac arrest, but the child was rescued. After the incident was exposed, he died and shocked the whole country. On January 29, the 41-year-old suspect was convicted of homicide in the second instance. The court overturned the original sentence of 22 years imprisonment and changed the sentence to 25 years imprisonment. It is forbidden to engage in children and adolescents for ten years. 6park.com

Screenshot of Korean media report (Yonhap News Agency TV) 6park.com

According to Yonhap News Agency, the court held that the defendant knew that his actions could lead to death, and the crime was more vicious and cruel than ordinary people imagined. 6park.com 6park.com

The incident occurred on June 1, 2020. At that time, the suspect, Cheng Mou, locked his son B in a suitcase at home for 3 hours. The size of the suitcase was 50 cm in length, 29 cm in width, and 71.5 in height. cm. Later, he was put in a smaller suitcase (length 44 cm, width 24 cm, height 60 cm), causing him to suffocate and die. 6park.com

Suspect in child abuse and death case (Yonhap News Agency) 6park.com

During the period, Cheng, who weighed 140 kg, stood on the suitcase and called his own children to step on. She also deliberately taped the gaps in the suitcase and used a hair dryer to blow hot air in, which was extremely cruel.
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