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送交者: Qiqi09171[♀★12★♀] 于 2021-01-22 6:56 已读 950 次  


美利坚合众国马里兰州的德特里克堡生物实验室于二零零九年七月神秘关闭。重新开始用于研究新冠病毒时接受了九亿美元的拨款。该实验室于二零二零年三月十日进入大众视野,那是因为有人在白宫请愿网站上发布了要求公开关闭实验室的原因的帖子。该帖子引起了广泛关注,二零二零年三月,英文报道有关资料全部被删除。只有二零一九年八月的《纽约时报》是唯一保持的英文资料。关闭的理由是:中心无完善管理系统,有一万人死亡。此后,美国举行了流行病防御大演习,四个月之后,病毒全球爆发流行。 6park.com

德特里克堡实验室是美军最大的生化武器研究中心。项目开始于一九四二年,目的是为了雪耻珍珠港事件日本人的袭击,一九四四年全规模测试,准备生产炭疽炸弹,但其后被原子弹取代。 6park.com

二战结束后,美国与日本细菌研究人员进行勾兑,以战犯免于战争起诉的交换,获得七三一细菌部队的全部数据和样本。后来发展到研究精神控制的洗脑术。 6park.com

一九八五年,苏联生物学家雅各布·西格尔从菲律宾进口的猴子身上发现了蕾丝顿埃博拉病毒。该病毒源于一九七八年研究人员利用人类T淋巴细胞病毒HTLV1和Vi s n 9绵羊病毒合成制成。美国疾病防治中心CDC控制了埃博拉疫情的蔓延。 6park.com

对于艾滋病毒的研究,中心进行了人体实验,导致扩散。二零一九五月年上映的迷你剧《血疫》THE HOT ZONE就是这个背景下的故事。 6park.com

二零零二年美国费城女子被确诊为非典,事发地点距离基地中心不到二百公里。二零零二年九月非典传入中国广东。 6park.com

二零一九年基地中心紧急关闭。研究人员接受检测。普通研究人员对于炭疽热、裂谷热以及出血热等的研究资格被取消,除非拥有“特许人许可证”才有资格进行研究。 6park.com

二零一九年九月二十九日至二零二零年三月十一日期间,美国有三千四百万阳性,感染率百分之六十八点八。其中,马里兰百分之七十二点一,特拉华百分之六十点八,新泽西百分之八十三点五。三十五万住院,死亡四十万。 6park.com

根据brujolnoR2的视频整理。纰漏请指正。整理者:卞卉The Fort Detrick Biolab in Maryland, United States of America, mysteriously closed in July 2009. When it restarted research on the new coronavirus, it received a grant of 900 million US dollars. The laboratory entered the public's view on March 10, 2020, because someone posted on the White House petition website requesting the explanation of the closure of the laboratory. This post has attracted widespread attention. In March 2020, all relevant materials reported in English were deleted. Only on the "New York Times" of August 2019 maintained. The reason for the closure claimed to be: the center had no perfect management system and 10,000 people died. Since then, the United States has held an epidemic prevention exercise. Four months later, the virus broke out globally.
Fort Detrick Laboratory is the largest biological and chemical weapons research center of the US military. The project started in 1942 and was aimed at the Japanese attack on the Shameful Pearl Harbor. A full-scale test in 1944 was prepared to produce an anthrax bomb, but it was later replaced by an atomic bomb.
After the end of World War II, the United States and Japan’s bacteria researchers underwent secret trade, in exchanging for exempting war criminals from war prosecution to obtained all the data and samples of the 731 bacteria force. Later developed to study the brainwashing of mind control.
In 1985, Soviet biologist Jacob Siegel discovered Laceton Ebola virus in monkeys imported from the Philippines. The virus originated from the synthesis of human T lymphocyte virus HTLV1 and Vi s n 9 sheep virus in 1978. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has controlled the spread of Ebola.
For HIV research, the center conducted human experiments, which led to the spread of virus. The mini-series released in May 2019, THE HOT ZONE, is the story in this context.
In 2002, a Philadelphia woman in the United States was diagnosed with SARS, and the incident occurred less than 200 kilometers from the center of the base. SARS prevailed to Guangdong, China in September 2002.
The base center was closed in an emergency in 2019. Researchers are tested. Ordinary researchers are disqualified for research on anthrax, rift valley fever and hemorrhagic fever, unless a "licensor license" permitted to be eligible for research.
Between September 29, 2019 and March 11, 2020, 34 million were tested positive in the United States, and the infection rate was 68.8%. Among them, 72.1% in Maryland, 60.8% in Delaware, and 83.5% in New Jersey. Three hundred and fifty thousand were hospitalized and four hundred thousand died. 6park.com

Dictation according to the video of brujolnoR2. Please correct me for any errors. Dictator: Bian Hui
贴主:Qiqi09171于2021_01_22 7:38:17编辑
贴主:Qiqi09171于2021_01_22 7:39:14编辑

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