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快讯 美国总统英国首相有话说 (图集)
送交者: 州官放火[♂☆★★★樯橹灰飞烟灭★★★☆♂] 于 2019-06-12 15:54 已读 1252 次 1 赞  


川普总统:“有大规模的示威。我今天看了,真的是一百万人……这是我见到过的最大的示威。" 6park.com



英国首相特雷莎·梅星期三在议会:“至关重要的是,香港的这些引渡安排必须与《中英联合声明》所规定的权利与自由相符合。” 6park.com


香港立法会星期三(6月12日)对《逃犯条例》修订内容进行二读。该法案允许将犯罪嫌疑人引渡到中国大陆受审。示威者在立法会大楼前与警方持续对峙 6park.com


Protesters tear down metal barricades during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A protester mounts a metal barricade during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters clash with riot police in front of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Forces Hong Kong Building during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A protester holds up a placard reading "Against China extradition" during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Paramedics attend to an injured protester during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters occupy a road as they demonstrate against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters occupy a road as they demonstrate against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters demonstrate against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters march along a street demonstrating against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A protester holds a placard reading "Against China extradition" during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters stand behind metal barricades during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A police officer stands behind a riot shield during protest against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters march along a road demonstrating against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters march along a road demonstrating against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters march along a road demonstrating against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters crowd along a main road during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters rally against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Police officers stand behind riot shields during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Umbrellas are left on metal barricades behind a sign during a protest against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters rally against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Demonstrators move a road sign during a protest against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com


Protesters move a metal barricade during protests against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters rally against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A Union Jack flag is waved by a protester during a rally against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A protester waves a Hong Kong flag during a rally against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Demonstrators remove metal barricades during protests against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Demonstrators remove metal barricades during protests against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Demonstrators march against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Demonstrators move metal barricades during a protest against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters holding umbrellas occupy a street near a row of police officers outside the Legislative Council building during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters occupy a street in front of a row of police officers outside the entrance to the Legislative Council building during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

A demonstrator sits down in front of riot police during a demonstration to demand authorities scrap a proposed extradition bill with China, in Hong Kong, China June 12, 2019. 6park.com

Protesters occupy a street in front of a row of police officers outside the entrance to the Legislative Council building during a demonstration against a proposed extradition bill in Hong Kong, China June
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