【春天了印象 即兴原创钢琴曲】一段可以听一晚上的《纪念马拉多纳》的钢琴曲
Touching music. Listen with the heart. 音乐如水从心底流出。轻轻的弹, 静静的听...... 6park.com【春天了印象 即兴原创钢琴曲】一段可以听一晚上的《纪念马拉多纳 - 足球神话》的钢琴曲 6park.com惊闻马拉多纳去世,非常遗憾。弹奏一段即兴曲《纪念马拉多纳 足球神话》(Classic Music),用美好的音乐表达我此时的心情。婉转的旋律,真诚的爱可以跨越国界,飞过千山万水,划过天空,碰撞出心灵的火花,让人心动。 6park.com直接即兴,不再重弹了。如音乐日记记录下一个个跳动的音符。如果想弹长一些,以后可以再弹。水平有限,谢谢! 6park.com 【春天了印象 即兴原创钢琴曲】《纪念马拉多纳 足球神话》: “Remembering Diego Maradona:Football legend” /即兴作曲/即兴弹奏/编曲/文字/制作 chuntianle 6park.com1. ..can listen to this all night long... (可以听一晚上的钢琴曲)(R.W.) 2. Beautiful memorial, dear Chuntianle. yes, he was the greatest football player of all times. RIP Diego Maradona (M.M.) 3. Foi com certeza o maior jogador da Argentina!! Historicamente, no Futebol, Brasil e Argentina eram rivais tradicionais!! Vou me lembrar de Maradona pois foi um jogador que honrou muito seu país! (M.J.) 4. To think that he was a little younger than me . I remember him as an energetic young footballer of immense talent . In my mind he will forever be the young man and will never grow old and will be alive . I bet he's playing football with all his friends and there are fans there cheering them all on 5. Beautiful and emotive tribute. R.I.P. Diego. Happy thanksgiving, dear Chuntianle. My best wishes to you. Peace and Love 6. 디에고 마라도나의 명복을 빕니다 **************************************************************************************************** Beautiful memorial, dear Chuntianle 1. You really have a heart of an Angel. That was a beautiful tribute. (j.b.) 2. Прекрасная музыкальная импровизация в память великого футболиста! (k.k.) 3.Thank you for Remembering Diego Maradona Your new friend (솔개 걸어서 ) 4.Muchas Gracias A Todo El Mundo Argentina Está Agradecida Con Todos Ustedes (CARLOSMUSIC25) 5. Светлая память великому футболисту! Всегда тяжело, когда уходит Легенда. (D.F 2) 6. No Lo Puedo Creer Amiga Muchas Gracias Por Este Homenaje Argentina Te Lo Agradece De Corazón Saludos Y Bendiciones Desde Argentina Hasta Tu País (CARLOSMUSIC25) 7.si mia cara e dolce amica UN EROE DEL CALCIO CHE IN ITALIA NAPOLI HA DATO IL SUO TALENTO SE NE VA PCCATO PER I SUOI 60 ANNI ANCORA GIOVANISSIMO SE NE VA IL MIGLIORE GIOCATORE DEL COLCIO TUO GIUSEPPE TUO AMICO 8. You posted a memorial song for Maradona. May Maradona rest in peace. (New) 9. Beautiful music as always dear.. Such a heartfelt tribute to the football legend. (New) 6 【春天了印象 即兴原创钢琴曲】《纪念马拉多纳 足球神话》美好感人的即兴曲 钢琴即兴原创音乐/编曲:Chuntianle 春天了 Diego Maradona Football legend (1960-2020) Piano Improvisation Original Song Chuntianle 春天了 Original Music/Piano Improvisation: Chuntianle My piano improvisation to remember Diego Maradona. RIP. Diego has left an indelible mark on football history forever. He made a whole generation dream. 【春天了印象派】Remembering Diego Maradona 即兴, 即兴原创,即兴钢琴,Thanksgiving Music, Thanksgiving Song, Thanksgiving By Chuntianle 春天了 ...... Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song Love Song, Spring Song, spring 春天了印象派, impressionism, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天 New Power Art Copyright © 2020 chuntianle. All rights reserved.