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橘子缘哥~~sign of the time ~~
送交者: 全民X歌[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2019-10-19 11:28 已读 1624 次 11 赞  


Sign of the times

Just stop your crying 6park.com

It's a sign of the times 6park.com

Welcome to the final show 6park.com

Hope you're wearing your best clothes 6park.com

You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky 6park.com

You look pretty good down here 6park.com

But you ain't really good 6park.com

If we never learn, we been here before 6park.com

Why are we always stuck and running from 6park.com

The bullets? 6park.com

The bullets 6park.com

We never learn, we been here before 6park.com

Why are we always stuck and running from 6park.com

The bullets? 6park.com

The bullets 6park.com

Just stop your crying 6park.com

It's a sign of the times 6park.com

We gotta get away from here 6park.com

We gotta get away from here 6park.com

Just stop your crying 6park.com

It'll be alright 6park.com

They told me that the end is near 6park.com

We gotta get away from here 6park.com

Just stop your crying 6park.com

Have the time of your life 6park.com

Breaking through the atmosphere 6park.com

And things are pretty good from here 6park.com

Remember everything will be alright 6park.com

We can meet again somewhere 6park.com

Somewhere far away from here 6park.com

We never learn, we been here before 6park.com

Why are we always stuck and running from 6park.com

The bullets? 6park.com

The bullets 6park.com

We never learn, we been here before 6park.com

Why are we always stuck and running from 6park.com

The bullets? 6park.com

The bullets 6park.com

Just stop your crying 6park.com

It's a sign of the times 6park.com

We gotta get away from here 6park.com

We gotta get away from here 6park.com

Stop your crying 6park.com

Baby, it will be alright 6park.com

They told me that the end is near 6park.com

We gotta get away from here 6park.com

We never learn, we been here before 6park.com

Why are we always stuck and running from 6park.com

The bullets? 6park.com

The bullets 6park.com

We never learn, we been here before 6park.com

Why are we always stuck and running from 6park.com

The bullets? 6park.com

The bullets 6park.com

We don't talk enough 6park.com

We should open up 6park.com

Before it's all too much 6park.com

Will we ever learn? 6park.com

We've been here before 6park.com

It's just what we know 6park.com

Stop your crying, baby 6park.com

It's a sign of the times 6park.com

We gotta get away 6park.com

We got to get away 6park.com

We got to get away 6park.com

We got to get away 6park.com

We got to get away 6park.com

We got to, we got to (away) 6park.com

We got to, we got to (away) 6park.com

We got to, we got to (away)

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