So yesterday and today a lot of my Zapier automations into Notion have stopped. The error is what I have put as the title.
Annoying as I have quite a number of automations that run, these all put tasks into Notion for me so I don’t have to remember. Some are scripts which loop through a list to create the separate tasks.
Not sure what has changed in Notion in order for this to suddenly stop working.
In the start date of all the tasks, I used to use {{zap_meta_human_now}} for the date to automatically be added.
Since this change I have had to change the all to use {{zap_meta_utc_iso}}
Also in the tasks, I had to set the date format to false and also remove the spare fields it mentioned at the bottom of the Create Database Item in the Zap.
Since then it’s all working as expected, I will follow up if anything else changes.