

This directory contains mtools. Mtools is a collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks from GNU and Unix without mounting them. It supports Win'95 style long file names, OS/2 Xdf disks and 2m disks (store up to 1992k on a high density 3 1/2 disk). In addition to file access, it supports many FAT-specific features: volume labels, FAT-specific file attributes (hidden, system, ...), "bad block" map maintenance, access to remote floppy drives, Iomega ZIP disk protection, "secure" erase, display of file's on-disk layout, etc.

Mtools' configurator file is stored in /etc/mtools.conf


Mailing list

There is an mtools mailing list at <[email protected]>. Please send all bug reports to this list. Note: You must be subscribed to the list in order to be able to send comments.

To subscribe to these or any GNU mailing lists, please send an empty mail with a Subject: header of just subscribe to the relevant -request list. For example, to subscribe yourself to the mtools list, you would send mail to <[email protected]>. Or you can use the mailing list web interface.

Announcements of new mtools versions will also be sent to the list. There also exists an archive of the mailing list.


A HTML version of the manual for mtools is available here, and a PDF version is here This manual will only be updated for major releases, or when there is a significant change in it.

Frequently asked questions

Please see the dedicated page.

Third-party software

Graphical front end

MtoolsFM has the basic functionality of a file-manager. It makes use of mtools to allow an easy GUI access to dos-floppies without mounting.

This release includes mmd / mrd support (make / remove directory), progress bars, an improved user interface, autoconf / automake support and lots of bug fixes.

MToolsFM is released under the GPL and can be downloaded from the MToolsFM-homepage:

SCSI access for Solaris

PPSD is a driver for Solaris that handles embedded SCSI-2 and CCS-compatible SCSI direct access drives, a.k.a. hard disks, CD-ROM, WORM and MO drives. Unlike the default sd(7d) driver, it is able to access disks that don't have a SunOS/Solaris "disklabel". Hence, with this driver you no longer need to set the scsi flag in mtools.conf, and you no longer need to install mtools setuid-root.

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