@InProceedings{ Baumgartner:etal:Darwin:ESFOR:2004,
author = {Peter Baumgartner and Alexander Fuchs and Cesare Tinelli},
title = "{D}arwin: {A} {T}heorem {P}rover for the {M}odel {E}volution
booktitle = {IJCAR Workshop on Empirically Successful First Order
Reasoning (ESFOR (aka S4))},
year = {2004},
url = "http://goedel.cs.uiowa.edu/Darwin/papers/darwin-ESFOR.pdf",
editor = {Stephan Schulz and Geoff Sutcliffe and Tanel Tammet},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
abstract = "Darwin is the first implementation of the Model Evolution
Calculus by Baumgartner and Tinelli. The Model Evolution
Calculus lifts the DPLL procedure to first-order logic.
Darwin is meant to be a fast and clean implementation of
the calculus, showing its effectiveness and providing a
base for further improvements and extensions. Based on a
brief summary of the Model Evolution Calculus, we describe
in the main part of the paper Darwin's proof procedure and
its data structures and algorithms, discussing the main
design decisions and features that influence Darwin's
performance. We also report on practical experiments
carried out with problems from the CADE-18 and CADE-19
system competitions, as well as on results on parts of the
TPTP problem library.",
note = {To appear.}
Alexander Fuchs
Last modified: Sun Mar 20 16:54:35 CST 2005